Ride Right MAXED OUT @Autobahn Aug 3/4 WINNERS!!

Discussion in 'Ride Right' started by Gunshow Nick, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. Schwasted

    Schwasted n00b

    Tyler Schwantes. done deals gap a few times. got my own gear, never been on track. I'd prefer to get out there august 3rd
  2. EvIL TwIn

    EvIL TwIn Entertainment Guru

    Don't hate!!! ;-)
  3. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    I'd like a free track day.. In the novice group :D
  4. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Hey, she is our Entertainment Director. Nick, that title was your doing. So now you want to judge? Don't hate what you helped to create! :caked: (Shelly, you go girl! But get us some chick pics too, OK?)
  5. Gunshow Nick

    Gunshow Nick Northern Director

    Winners announced
  6. Black Mamba

    Black Mamba Go Slow in Slow Corners and Fast in Fast Corners! STT Staff Director

    Congrats everyone!!!!

    See you guys there!
  7. yzfrookie

    yzfrookie Rides with no training wheels

  8. Juicebox

    Juicebox Rides with no training wheels

    ^ That would be fun to watch... :lmao:

    And congratulations DEREK -- so excited to be there with you for your first trackday!! See ya Saturday :cheer:
  9. BigCountry1125

    BigCountry1125 "Lovings"

    Jeff you can take the Zuma out in Novice class
  10. EvIL TwIn

    EvIL TwIn Entertainment Guru

    Well put Chris!! :cool:
  11. zixxer_687

    zixxer_687 Rides with no training wheels

    HAHA I will def try to get one for you
  12. Gymnast1389

    Gymnast1389 I'd rather be riding :D

  13. Gunshow Nick

    Gunshow Nick Northern Director

    really K3...must you?
  14. Schwasted

    Schwasted n00b

    Aw yiss
  15. So Shelly has brought me up to speed on this conversation.

    We are thinking we need to use my photography skills and make a full out calendar of firemen/paramedics at their station and also shots of them with their bikes. Can you help us find guys willing to participate?? Profits will be donated to the participating departments.

    Don't worry boys! We can do a female calendar too!
  16. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    Ladies first ya know!!
  17. zixxer_687

    zixxer_687 Rides with no training wheels

    Um yeah I can ask around see what guys say and ill let you know. Only thing is that these guys really aren't good with photos. They actually hate coming out in pictures we have an unwritten rule if you come out in pictures in the newspaper or come out on tv you have to buy the whole shift dinner haha but I will ask for you see what they say
  18. Maybe the profit can be put towards dinner for you guys then lol. It would still be helping you guys out since it'd be a free meal!
  19. Black Mamba

    Black Mamba Go Slow in Slow Corners and Fast in Fast Corners! STT Staff Director


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