Road Atlanta - Aug. 16-17 - Roll Call

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by Chaotic, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. mr5drums

    mr5drums The Naked Extraordinaire


    Said "friend" here. I am in as well. can't wait. It will be my FIRST track day.

    bike is almost ready. just need to safety wire my oil plug.

  2. ramm

    ramm yrraL


    I'm so pumped!
  3. Turliss

    Turliss n00b

    Hells yea :rawk:
  4. FZ1guy

    FZ1guy Hey - Watch this...

    So help me understand...all y'all old timers and staffers are all jacked up too?
    It's not just me because its my 1st time?
  5. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

    I get all excited and hyper before every track weekend. :wheel:
  6. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Nope. Still have nervous energy and excitement every time I show up at a track. Love it.

  7. I'm in. First timer. Fresh from supercross.
  8. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!


    That feeling NEVER goes away. It doesnt matter how many times you hae been to the track.

    Just be prepared, because after your first one, you life will revolve around "next time".

    "Im going to work on my cardio so i will be in better shape next time..."
    "Im going to order some SS brake lines and new pads for next time..."
    "Im going to watch YouTube videos and learn lines for next time..."
    "Im going to repaint my bodywork for next time..."
    "Im going to concentrate on doing more leg work and bicycle riding for next time..."
    "Im going to start eating right to be slimmer for next time..."

    It is an obsession. Seriously. There is a reason why people say it is more addictive than crack. And like t said, the nervous energy never goes away. I got to thinking about it last night and couldnt go to sleep and it is still 10 days away.
  9. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Just get there when you can. RA is different from Barber in that you get your wristband from the same dude, working at the gate. And the gates are open all the time.

    There isnt a different booth you have to go up to, which has operational hours. Just drive up to the gate and you will pay/sign-in right there.
  10. mcarter551

    mcarter551 Rides with no training wheels

    Im pumped before I go to the track everytime! Im super duper pumped for this one since I havent ridden on Road Atlanta before! I spent many weekends with my brother when he was racing his SCCA stockcar there but that was on the old configuration before they changed the track. I cant wait!!!
  11. mr5drums

    mr5drums The Naked Extraordinaire

    So wait...even though we've paid $245 for the track day we have to buy a bracelet at the gate??
  12. henroc

    henroc I'll be fast one day.....

    yup. It should only be like 5 bucks though.
  13. mr5drums

    mr5drums The Naked Extraordinaire

    ok ...what are any other fees I need to be prepared for. POwer?
  14. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    Always bring some cash. There's always something, gate fee, camping fee, etc
  15. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Sunday Intermediate is sold out - only a few spots left in Saturday Intermediate.

    Saturday Novice and Advance have a handful of spots left... as do Sunday.

    Looks like this event will sell out. Looking forward to an awesome time.

  16. Turliss

    Turliss n00b

    I did jennings in June and had to work all day. Got there at midnight and had to sleep at the gate lol

    Didn't want to do that again
  17. henroc

    henroc I'll be fast one day.....

    Well darn...there goes my I Trevor, if we get bumped at Rd Atl but have already signed up for N in september, can we upgrade if there are spots left in I?
  18. Psychoholic

    Psychoholic Bearded Maniac

    I'd like to point out that this is the last track day of the season at RA for any of the notable motorcycle track day groups.
  19. Toddgotfish

    Toddgotfish Rides with no training wheels

    I'm pretty sure Trevor always leaves room for bumps to I.
  20. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    That is correct.


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