Custom LionHeart suit just in time

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by mr5drums, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. mr5drums

    mr5drums The Naked Extraordinaire

    Just got in my custom designed/fitted LionHeart Moto suit.

    The stitching is amazing. The leather is plush. And the fit is perfect after wearing it in after a hot shower

  2. r6boater

    r6boater Draik's Pit Crew

    Looks awesome. Lionheart is a great company!
  3. HarGee

    HarGee Rides with no training wheels

    Looks great
  4. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Orange, Orange Orange, Hell your driveway is even Orange!!!!!

    JK... Nice gear!!
  5. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    I LIKE it!!!!!! So, now I will know what it feels like to be passed by a rode cone...LOL I really like the leathers. They are awesome!!!!! I can never talk about anyone again, I will be riding a PINK bike all season :(

    Attached Files:

  6. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

    I'm going to have a hard time deciding between this lionheart brand and hazardous racing when I'm ready to spend some coin on new leathers... and that's only if I don't find out about any other quality, american-owned, custom leathers.
  7. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    how much did that suit set u back?
  8. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Looks good.
  9. rdecae

    rdecae Rides with no training wheels

    custom American owned USA leather shops
    Barnacle Bill
    Spartan Leathers
  10. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Rides with no training wheels

    +1 on Barnacle Bill, owned and tested, still using them.
  11. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Are Lionheart and Hazardous leathers made in America?
  12. henroc

    henroc I'll be fast one day.....

    That very question turned into a very nasty thread in the trackday junkies group on facebook the other I'm waiting to see what happens here......:pop:
  13. Snikle

    Snikle Gromming it!!

    You know the answer.
  14. mattie9052

    mattie9052 Rides with no training wheels

    so ,it is made in america on no?
    now im curious
  15. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    From what I red in the funny TDJ thread they are all made in the same factory in Pakistan I wanna say. But again thats just what I red. It could be complete BS!
  16. Sherry

    Sherry Rides with no training wheels

    I know for a fact Spartan Leathers are not made in America; the guy who "owns" it does live in Southern Indiana though.

    Same with LHM - guy lives here in town but the leathers are made overseas.
  17. mattie9052

    mattie9052 Rides with no training wheels

    so its made by paki's. and assembled in america.
  18. Shamrock

    Shamrock What's an apex?

    I know Scott. :)
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
  19. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    No I do not. If I knew the answer, I wouldnt have asked the question. I have no idea what TDJ they are talking about.

    Somebody said it was an American company, hence my question.
  20. Snikle

    Snikle Gromming it!!

    from what I know made in Pakistan.

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