Grattan Raceway

Discussion in 'RIDE SHARE TO STT EVENTS' started by forcedinduktion, May 28, 2014.

  1. forcedinduktion

    forcedinduktion Rides with no training wheels

    Debating on heading to Grattan on Jun 7, maybe the 8th as well. Seeing if anyone else is headed there and would be willing to give me a haul or we can work something out to get our bikes up there. Located in NW burbs of Chicago. Let me know!
  2. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    If you can get there on Friday before its dark you can walk the track and get a true feeling for it!
  3. Iceman

    Iceman Rides with no training wheels

    Saw someone rent a Zipvan at ACC. Seems like a pretty good idea.

    If you can make it, I highly recommend it. Grattan is an absolute blast.

    (edit) Just saw that Zipvan limits you to 180 miles without an extra charge. Might want to find another route because that could get costly.
    Last edited: May 28, 2014

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