2 for 1 hot bodies at STG

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by mutineer, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. mutineer

    mutineer wanderer

    would it be bad for to post up here and see if anyone wants to go halves on an order for an 07 CBR600RR and we each get one

    Because if it is, I just acted in bad form

    I'll probably buy a set either way because I had a season where I went through fairings and shoulders faster than knee pucks
  2. jboylan

    jboylan n00b

    I would probably be down for splitting a set. I would be getting a 06 daytona set though. The offer on the website says you can split the sets.
  3. jboylan

    jboylan n00b

    Wow just looked at the site, yeah you get 2 for 1 but they raised the prices considerably. The Daytona set has always been $500 with free shipping, now you get 2 sets for $840. Still a deal but not sure yet if I want it that badly or not.
  4. lostinbama

    lostinbama STT Staff STT Staff

    it's a crazy good deal!
  5. Mran556

    Mran556 Rides with no training wheels

  6. Nick_OMC

    Nick_OMC Think Faster

    Yes, We are running this until the end of the month. You can mix and match sets (certain Honda sets being a bit more) and must call in for an order. Ask for me (aka Phil) and I will check stock as well to be sure you get the bodywork as fast as possible.
    jlankes and T_Town_Tom like this.
  7. T_Town_Tom

    T_Town_Tom Rides with no training wheels

    Ordered mine on the 4th and they were delivered this morning. Perfect.
    lostinbama and Nick_OMC like this.
  8. sjona2011

    sjona2011 Rides with no training wheels

    How's the durability? May be interested in splitting with someone
  9. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    I have a painted set of HB that I will sell you? They are new with everything.....
  10. OBcbr

    OBcbr Keep Calm and Throttle On

    For what bike?
  11. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Durability on the Hotbodies is very good....They have come a long way from the past and in my opinion Fit and Fitment is just as good as SharkSkinz.... Not as still as Skinz but darn close.... I wish they stiff made them for TLR's... I will need a couple sets here soon...
  12. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Still should be stiff above.. Edited and it didn't change..... BRING BACK THE OLD WEBSITE PLEASE!!!!
    steve802cc, OBcbr and Tiller like this.
  13. sjona2011

    sjona2011 Rides with no training wheels

    if durability is good then im definitely interested. Anyone want to split?
  14. josh7owens

    josh7owens What's an apex?

    I'll PM you I might split a set with you!
    sjona2011 likes this.
  15. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Give me a call if you are interested in my extra sets!

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