Recently bumped but option is not yet unlocked.

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by Zenler, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. Zenler

    Zenler Rides with no training wheels

    Hey guys i was at putnam in july and was recently bumped up to I group. and trying to purchase my track time still only have novice available as an option. I did shoot an email to crystal. Anything else i should do?
  2. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Do you remember who the coach I'm not sure but she may need to verify with Nick or the coach.
  3. Zach

    Zach Rides with no training wheels

    Search other events and see if the "I" group is available. If it is, then Putnam was sold out for I in July. If it is not, your account hasn't been updated.
  4. Zenler

    Zenler Rides with no training wheels

    I was evaluated by i believe his name was danny. on a white and blue 2003 gsxr. Im really bad with names and my coach was on a newer zx6r tall guy with red hair, i think his leathers say aussie on them.
  5. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    I had the same issue, just took a picture of the stickers and sent it back to Crystal she bumped me, the option is now available to me.
    So might see you at Putnam on the 13th.
  6. Zenler

    Zenler Rides with no training wheels

    I was bumped end of day sunday no sticker to show.
  7. leviealding

    leviealding Rides with no training wheels

    Hi I'm tall guy with Aussie on leathers. Did this get sorted out yet?
  8. Zenler

    Zenler Rides with no training wheels

    Yes it did they got me all sorted. Sorry if how i described you was rude.
    leviealding likes this.
  9. leviealding

    leviealding Rides with no training wheels

    I takes more than an accurate description of me to get me worked up. lol

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