Ride for FREE it's on STT March. 10/11 at Barber - WINNERS

Discussion in 'Ride Right' started by mastermindtrev, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. BneveuCBR

    BneveuCBR n00b

    Thank you STT ! Can't wait to get down there.
    +1 on blacklist's post. What do we need to do?
  2. ink42o

    ink42o n00b

    Thank you STT!!! And just like everyone else what do we need to do now??
  3. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Show up early on your day and go to the registration table when it opens... Let them know who you are and they will give you a registration sticker... Then go put that on your bike then roll your bike down to tech inspection.. Riders meeting will be around 815-820.. Make sure you pay attention.. Then go up to the classroom with the coach's, and the Novice Group and myself.. I will be leading Saturday. Just act like a sponge and soak everything up.. We have a format that has been proven.. You will have a great time..Marc:thumb:
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  4. OBcbr

    OBcbr Keep Calm and Throttle On

    Glad I got a track addict buddy now. :)
  5. ramm

    ramm yrraL

    Congrats guys! :thumb:
  6. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Congrats Jamie :thumb:
  7. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

  8. jgriffinjr8

    jgriffinjr8 Wanna Go Faster

    THANK YOU STT! Looking forward to Saturday!
  9. blacklist

    blacklist Rides with no training wheels

    Ok I think I got my bike set for the Novice rules. Is there anything else other than just showing up Sunday morning?
  10. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Just be well rested and prepare to have a BLAST!!!!!

  11. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Very Nice Avatar Pic Trevor... I like that...:thumb:
  12. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Hey... if you can't BE fast.... at least LOOK fast!!!!!

  13. Moto_joe

    Moto_joe n00b

    Congrats Lance.

    I have been bugging that dude to do a trackday for YEARS. Glad he will finally be addicted :D
  14. Moto_joe

    Moto_joe n00b

    Marc take good care of Lance will ya, only buzz him once or twice :D
  15. ink42o

    ink42o n00b

    Thanks Joe, and yea he's right for "YEARS".

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