Acc 8/18 and 19

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by bigshow, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. I haven't signed up yet, how many more people do we need?
  2. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    If you sign up you will be one less that we need.
  3. How does it work if you sign up and the event is a no go? STT credit, money back,....
  4. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    I'm certain a credit is available. Not sure about refund, BUT I have a hard time believing STT would refuse a refund if that were someone's preference. Don't quote me.
  5. Well, hope there's going to be enough people. I'm all signed up for Saturday.
  6. bigshow

    bigshow Rides with no training wheels

    come on

    2 days on north course would be awesome, come on guys! Nick how we looking, if we cant do 2 can you try to condense to 1 day? Just askin. Thanks
  7. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Good on ya. Thanks.
  8. wheninrome

    wheninrome n00b

    I think I am going to sign up for two days.
  9. bmw675

    bmw675 n00b

    they said they would announce something today either way. I would sign up as soon as possible, it might just tip the scale! :getdown:
  10. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    What he said!
  11. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Can we all tell how bad I WANT TO RIDE???!!!???
  12. bmw675

    bmw675 n00b

    I was thinking the same thing about myself. :lmao:
    I dont want to have to cancel my vacation day.

    BTW, I did add sunday for myself lastnight too!

    (Shameless bump to keep this active)
  13. finny47

    finny47 Rides with no training wheels

    I've been in for both since announced- spent the weekend putting new tires, chain, oil and change to GP shift.
    Janelle just signed up for Sunday last night.
  14. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Still trying...
  15. finny47

    finny47 Rides with no training wheels

    Damn - cancelled. Just got the call at 3:15 PM CST. :(
    C'yall a Putnam
  16. RocketmanBill

    RocketmanBill Rides with no training wheels

    Too Late. Not enough interest.

    Just got the call. Sunday CANCELED.

    That's all I was signed up for.

    Co-op days are just workin' out for me this year. That's 2 that have been canceled.
  17. bigshow

    bigshow Rides with no training wheels


    oh well we tried, see you guys at putnam. love that track.
  18. nicotine

    nicotine Rides with no training wheels

    Do you know if Saturday was cancelled as well, or just Sunday?

    COBALT COUPE Burnin' Gas & Haulin' A$$


    COBALT COUPE Burnin' Gas & Haulin' A$$

    Never been to ACC yet, only BFR, but I am shocked that on a weekend not enough signed up to make this happen.......................anyone have any idea why not enough interest?

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