Wera nc 13

Discussion in 'Regional: WERA, CCS, etc...' started by renegade17, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. renegade17

    renegade17 Rides with no training wheels

    Who is going to come out and play???
  2. Zepp

    Zepp STT Staff

    I can't wait!!! It will be my first season racing.

    Jon and I will be out there as teammates this season. We will be running all the WERA North Central races and we're going to try in get down for a couple of Moto Series races too.
  3. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Rides with no training wheels

    I'll do my usual one Grattan round and the Mid-Ohio weekday event this year (hopefully!). Really wish they would schedule Black Hawk.
  4. Rick412

    Rick412 STT Staff STT Staff

    We will be running the full NC schedule and the Mid-O AMA round. Probably going to race both C's, BSS, SSB MW and ESS a couple races.The Wife will be working in registration again this year.

    Sounds like we will have an announcer and cool stuff like that this year :)
  5. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    What, no Asbk, Ass or F1?
  6. Rick412

    Rick412 STT Staff STT Staff

    Thats next year when I win the STG R1 give away :) I would love to do all 7 races the 600 can do but the lotto ticket hasn't hit yet lol.
  7. Eric_Cell

    Eric_Cell Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    I'll be doing both Grattan rounds on my Triumph this year. Not sure about hitting any of the other rounds.
  8. Jonny Boy

    Jonny Boy Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Yep, planning on the doing the entire series! It will be an exciting year forsure!
  9. tittys04

    tittys04 n00b

    My friend, Ernie and I are in for the entire NC region. Not sure what classes we will be running, but we're chasing points whatever classes we decide on.

    We're planning on doing the STT practice day before, how quickly do those days usually sell out? How early should we register for that day?
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2013
  10. Wrlamkin

    Wrlamkin Rides with no training wheels

    Wera 13

    My son should race most of the races, we are waiting on Mid Ohio age limit.
  11. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Rides with no training wheels

    With WERA on a 600 you can do C, B, A, and F1 for the sprints. MW and HW Solo for Saturday.

    If the Friday practice is race only I can't imagine it filling up at all. I bet it's open to everyone however so you might not get a spot. I highly doubt the sellout though.

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