$352.50 credit voucher for $300.00

Discussion in 'For Sale or Trade: Events' started by jswisc, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. jswisc

    jswisc Old and Slow

    2 different credits, one $117.50, one $235.00 Good til the end of the year. Email is good jsmasters50@gmail.com
  2. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

    have you verified they are transferable with crystal? i'll shoot you a email
  3. jswisc

    jswisc Old and Slow

    I am checking with her this am.
  4. G2G

    G2G trouble

    If its ok to transfer let me know I am interested
  5. jswisc

    jswisc Old and Slow

    Vouchers sold. Thank you STT.
  6. G2G

    G2G trouble


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