Barber 3/15 novice spot for sale!

Discussion in 'For Sale or Trade: Events' started by mogirl, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. mogirl

    mogirl n00b

    I have a novice spot for sale for Barber March 15th. Please contact me at if you are interested.

  2. grd264

    grd264 n00b

    Wow Jason :roll: ......I have a 3/15......and I sure need a 3/14 to go along with it!!!
    If you run across any one with a novice or Intermediate for Sat. 3/14 please send them my way.

    Thanks, GRD
  3. mogirl

    mogirl n00b

    This post was posted by an STT staff member. If you want to get a message to Jason, please contact him via the email in the post.


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