Barber crash in novice sunday after lunch

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by sam3375, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. sam3375

    sam3375 n00b

    I'm the guy on the red kawi that went to the ER. Does anyone have footage or a visual recollection of the crash? I really just want to know what happened. You can post here or call me at (334) 545-0594 to share your thoughts.
    R/T Performance likes this.
  2. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Sam, Good to see that you are posting and here's wishing you a quick and painless recovery!
    ebart, R/T Performance and j cal like this.
  3. sam3375

    sam3375 n00b

    Thx for the well wishes I can't wait to get back on the track. I just have to convince the wife that I wont make this crashing thing a habit.
  4. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Glad your OK,

    LOL convince don't try. Just get her to come out. See how it's run, everyone's attention to safety.
    HOW a track differs from the road, as in lack of the hard bits that really hurt if you meet them, not to mention no drivers playing on cell phones.
    Then remind her what she see's in the car while she is driving. Not to mention the safety personal looking out for you.

    My wife won't get a motorcycle, really dislikes my street riding after seeing how the track is setup. She knows it's not 100% safe, what in life is.
    By the way, my better half was a paramedic and now works in an ICU, has taken care of many motorcycle riders, NEVER one from a track day.
  5. jcw

    jcw What's an apex?

    Best of luck and heal quickly.

    From another novice day crasher! :)
  6. Dsc194

    Dsc194 Rides with no training wheels

    Turn one almost got me.

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