Changing classes

Discussion in 'STT Main Site Account and Forum Account Support' started by PitDad, May 23, 2015.

  1. PitDad

    PitDad Crew chief Wera #49

    Was looking through the calendar of upcoming barber events, noticed we are only able to sign up for novice. Does that mean the other classes are sold out or are we locked out until approved to move up to intermediate?
  2. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    you have to be logged in to see what classes are available. if you have not been "officially" bumped to the next level, you can only register for the level you are currently rated for in the sytem.

    if this is your first time with stt, and your first track experience, you must sign up for novice (NO EXECPTIONS). if you have race credentials with other orgs, you can email, and request a class status but, will need to be evaluated to maintain that status at the first event.

    to be bumped to the next level... is not a self policing item ever, you must be evaluated, and approved to be bumped to any level other than novice, by STT staff. once evaluated, and authorized for a bump in class, you are given the next credential level in the system (it pays to follow up with the evaluating coach, the coordinator of the event, and stt home base IT staff, after the evaluation bump, and prior to the next event).

    hope this helps. Ski
  3. PitDad

    PitDad Crew chief Wera #49

    Thanks Ski, that's exactly what I needed to know.
  4. R6 Forever

    R6 Forever Need more Grattan

    Follow up for sure, bumped riders have been " lost " in the system. I know because it happened to me.

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