Is it summer yet?

Discussion in 'Sportbike Track Girl' started by Shortyy, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Shortyy

    Shortyy Rides with no training wheels

    Another 6 to 8 inches tonight. Uggg

    I had a dream about grattan last night.
  2. mrmark75

    mrmark75 Rides with no training wheels

    That's what she said..
  3. flylikechris

    flylikechris Wait, how tall are you?

    Figures, I need to work on my car on my driveway tomorrow. Nice :fear:
  4. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    It's summer at NOLA...... :D

  5. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Yes it was.... Awesome weekend....And I am still in my Flip Flops!!:thumb:
  6. Shortyy

    Shortyy Rides with no training wheels

    Sigh, I'm jealous. I'm looking at a trip to michgan tech for work later this month. They have something like 222 inches of snowfall so far this year. Gross
  7. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    This shit just won't end.
  8. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Barber next weekend!!!! Looks to be in the 60's with 100% of a beer at the end of the day...
  9. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Or 7.....
  10. emd513

    emd513 Rides with no training wheels

    Make it 12 and call it a it dropped back down in the 40's here. Was 70 last week. Hit the Dragon 2x and spent all day Saturday with some friends there.

    sent from that a%@ holes phone
  11. T_Town_Tom

    T_Town_Tom Rides with no training wheels

    Another 8" possible this weekend here. Flat out B.S. I think its time to move South.
    Step 1) Find the wife a job down south that pays enough to support me and my track habit.
  12. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    No!!!! We dont need anymore bad drivers down here...:bounce:
  13. T_Town_Tom

    T_Town_Tom Rides with no training wheels

    Awe come on. Where's the love? Lol.
    Plus I can help people get home the next time you guys get a dusting.
  14. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    Its kinda funny, when we talk about the snow up here all the southern STTers are like "what winter" and "why dont you come here to ride" and if one actually decides to do so its oh no stay the f**k away!:bounce:
    The weather will get better eventually and by that time I even have my bike ready to go and all will be good!:wheel:
  15. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Its all about the Hospitality :cheers:
  16. flylikechris

    flylikechris Wait, how tall are you?

    Got stuck in a whiteout this morning (downriver area) on I-75. :doh:
  17. FastGuy68

    FastGuy68 Lean angle baby!!

    Seriously this is the worst winter since like 1976 or so.......:wtf:
  18. Velox

    Velox Apex predator

    As long as it eventually ends. It just makes spring and summer that much sweeter.

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