Lets get this Party Started..... ROLL CALL FOR BARBER IN MARCH 2013... Who's In???

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by TLR67, Jan 7, 2013.


    GSXRGIRL09 n00b

    I'll be there! :p
  2. partytimedave

    partytimedave jackass

    My limited experience says hhheeellllll yyyeeesss
  3. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Is anybody else crapping their pants yet?????

    No, seriously, I just crapped my pants. Think it was some bad sausage...
  4. RAZR51

    RAZR51 Large member

    You did an Al Roker?:lmao:
  5. Tiller


    I'm in!
  6. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Hey y'all, I am bringing several bottles of People's Brewing Company beer from Lafayette, IN. I'm hoping there are some hop heads and otherwise beer aficionados to share with.

    I'm bringing six wheats, six pale ales and four brown ales (they come in a four pack cause they are s-t-r-o-n-g), and I hope some of you discover a new favorite. My friends own the brewery, and while they are growing like wildfire in northern Indiana they are most likely unknown most other places so I'm trying to help them out.

    I plan to wear a People's Brewing Company tshirt so that any interested parties can spot me.

    I also bought stuff to make guacamole in case anyone else likes avocados as much as me. Cheers and see y'all soon!!!
  7. NonDairyCow

    NonDairyCow Rides with no training wheels

    Lets get this Party Started..... ROLL CALL FOR BARBER IN MARCH 2013... Who's In

    ^^ Lemme write this down. "Tall dorky guy with glasses wearing Peoples Brewing Company T-shirt has beer. "
    Got it!

    See you guys in a few hours.
  8. twistwrist

    twistwrist Permanoob

    Oh hell yes! Hop head here! I have a wide variety of beer too. Will trade you! :D
  9. ramm

    ramm yrraL

    :thumb: I love some good beer!

    I've really been liking Chocolate/Oatmeal beers lately. Good stuff!
  10. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Hey I am set up on top of the Hill... Where is everyone at?? : )


    I know... Trevors gona kill me....
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2013
  11. CaptChaos

    CaptChaos Rides with no training wheels

    Dibs on using the bottle as a giant air mattress :woot:
  12. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Rides with no training wheels

    Working :wtf: I still need to load a couple of things and drop the hounds at the party house (aka Mom's)
  13. CaptChaos

    CaptChaos Rides with no training wheels

    I'm heading out in an hour or so. Have to make one quick stop at Kroger and then I'm hitting the road. :D Can't wait!
  14. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    Is it 3:30 yet?
  15. d7k8

    d7k8 n00b

    leaving in 20 minutes to go home and load up, then leaving from there.
  16. EvIL TwIn

    EvIL TwIn Entertainment Guru

    Ya'll have fun, I will miss everyone! I will be partying it up in New Orleans this weekend!
  17. GSXR1000SEB


    Ya'll have fun...jerks...! :thumb:
  18. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    I am packed and ready to roll. Just have to stop for beer and ice!
  19. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    Time to pack up my stuff and get our of here...it is almost beer-thirty!
  20. Supergirl

    Supergirl ugly STT Staff Director

    I am jealous!!!

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