Rossi on Bridgestones

Discussion in 'Pro Racing: MotoGP, SBK, AMA, etc...' started by aosga, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. aosga

    aosga n00b

    The wow-factor on this is just awesome. Two separate garages for the factory Yamaha riders since Lorenzo will be on Michelins and Rossi will be on Bridgestone. The drama from this alone will at least make me tune in to for the updates on MotoGP. I'll be Tivo'ing the races but I will need to see a little more action than last year to force myself to watch more than the first couple of races.

    Since I'm in a writing state of mind:
    For those experts (riders...Stoner....) against a single tire rule and want to stay with good clean prototype competition: I thought that's what we had before last year. To me, it seems as if those in power just changed the rules to favor Bridgestone now rather than Michelin (who used to fly in the [prototype] compound of choice the night before the race). At the very least the old system had more than one pass during a race past the first lap. Wow, that was a boring 2007 MotoGP season! During at least 8 races we saw Stoner lead FROM THE FIRST CORNER! At least Rossi sucks at starts and had to be forced to pass 6 or 7 people in the beginning stages of the races when he was in dominant form (or rather had a competitive setup).

    Am I a Rossi fan...? Not really, but he can be fun to watch when he is ultra aggressive and on a bike that is competitive. (the only person I really care about is Haga in WSB). And this last season in MotoGP was almost worse, but not quite, than watching AMA.

    So why write this? It is a forum and it is after the season for those of us stuck in the northern states. The red wine isn't helping either. I'm probably also procrastinating studying for National Dental Boards part 2 (which is in 4 weeks). Holy crap, I may actually be making money again in a few months and be able to afford this hobby.

    I hope we have better racing to watch on the world circuits next year (stick a fork in AMA),
    Adam O.

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