Stt calendar

Discussion in 'STT Main Site Account and Forum Account Support' started by mazas74, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. mazas74

    mazas74 n00b

    Here is idea,would be great if you could make STT printable calendar,with months and locations of trackdays.
    EvIL TwIn and 934 TSX like this.
  2. 934 TSX

    934 TSX I like bikes

    Yes please!
  3. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Would be nice, for me a nice list of dates and places works.
    I build a list of all groups that are running so I can schedule my money and time.
    Not to mention trying to work out trailer space.
  4. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Great Idea!!
  5. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Great Idea.......I have to spend an hour doing this each year:

    Attached Files:

  6. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

    I picked out all my dates in February, one track day weekend per month and put it on my iPad calendar. Probably would have been easier to print out a calendar like you did to save all the scrolling, lol!
    TheChefJPratt likes this.
  7. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    I'm not positive but I think has something like what you are looking for.
  8. OBcbr

    OBcbr Keep Calm and Throttle On

    We should just have an STT calendar with pics. I'll bust out the swimsuit!
    EvIL TwIn and Ohio_1199DUC like this.
  9. Mran556

    Mran556 Rides with no training wheels

    Someone can excellent idea
  10. mrmark75

    mrmark75 Rides with no training wheels

    What are the hash marks on the bottom right, how many beers you drank while making it? Haha
    TLR67 likes this.
  11. kisertn

    kisertn What's an apex?

    Or, at the very least, would be nice if there was a web calendar we could subscribe to. I subscribe to WSBK, MotoGP, and cycling calendars - an STT calendar would be great!
  12. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    What if we had a google event calendar or something like that?... It could be downloaded into your calendar service. My kids school does this for her games.
  13. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    I liked your post for the calendar idea.... NOT you in a swimsuit!!!! LOL
    lostinbama likes this.
  14. OBcbr

    OBcbr Keep Calm and Throttle On

    Well damn!
  15. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

    That's a great idea but I am not technically savvy, wouldn't know how to create it. o_O
  16. kisertn

    kisertn What's an apex?

    Well, if no one else does it, I can create a calendar, open to all, once the 2016 schedule is posted and then share the link here. It's a 30 second operation to create the calendar, but about 30 minutes or more I suspect to add all of the entries. That said, a calendar created by STT itself, and maintained by STT as things change, would be the best.

    I'm going to create the calendar anyway, I would have just done it on my local Mac. So, no problem doing it on Google instead and sharing for anyone who'd like to link to it. Give me something to do the week between Christmas and New Year's ;-)
  17. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Probably probably how many days I will actually ride. The rest of the days I will be hung over!
  18. cyndi 2T

    cyndi 2T STT Director STT Staff Director

    svpauly likes this.
  19. kisertn

    kisertn What's an apex?

    Yep, thank you! I saw where you posted on the original thread, and greatly appreciate it. Sadly, as STT has soooooo many dates (of which I can only attend a select dozen because, well, the kids need to be fed and such), I ended up creating my own local calendar of just the dates I can afford to attend. Sadly, it is much smaller than the STT list <sniff>

    But I do appreciate you doing this and I may link up to it on occasion so I can remind my family of what I am giving up so they can eat and be clothed. <rolling eyes>

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