Tire Warmers - Sunday Barber

Discussion in 'Gear Share' started by ThatOneGuy, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. ThatOneGuy

    ThatOneGuy n00b


    Unfortunately I now find myself in a slight predicament. This Sunday at Barber will be my first day riding on slicks - I've gotten my second set of wheels all refurbished and just finished swapping them onto the bike, but just realized that I have not yet gotten a hold of a set of tire warmers. I few deals on various forums have fallen through and now we're less than a week away...

    If anyone has an extra set I can borrow for Sunday Only at Barber, I would love to work something out!

    I'm all ears!
  2. JTRC51

    JTRC51 The fast Juan

    Where do you live? I can't make it to Barber unfortunately but you can borrow my Suzuka single temps if need be. I'm in N. GA
  3. ThatOneGuy

    ThatOneGuy n00b

    Thanks for the response - I'm on the East side of Atlanta and will be heading West to Barber on Saturday afternoon / evening. Where in North Georgia are you? I work in Marietta and will be up in Rome later this week for business.
  4. JTRC51

    JTRC51 The fast Juan

    I live near Woodstock, I will add that I am leaving out of town Thursday and back Saturday night... Not sure this will give you enough time but if you can get them by Wed. that would be best...

    If that works for you; PM me your contact info and lets talk..
  5. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Juan if you can get them to me one night after work I could take them over...just let me know...
    JTRC51 likes this.
  6. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

    I should have an extra set you can use if needed.
  7. burgerearmuffs

    burgerearmuffs Will STT Staff

    I have an extra set of 3-temp Chicken Hawks that you can use, if you don't get it worked out with Juan or Brett
  8. JTRC51

    JTRC51 The fast Juan

    Looks like you have options man; that's why these guys (STT community) are awesome!! If I can still help, let me know..
    burgerearmuffs likes this.
  9. ThatOneGuy

    ThatOneGuy n00b

    Wow! You guys are fantastic! I seriously appreciate everyone's responses to this.

    I was able to find a pair from one of my local buddies so I believe I am all set for this weekend. Again, I am beyond grateful for the helpful offers and am looking forward to hopefully meeting some of you guys this weekend!
  10. lostinbama

    lostinbama STT Staff STT Staff

    I'll have a spare set with me also
  11. gearhead750

    gearhead750 You be patient, I'm in a hurry!

    I'll take em! I'm gonna run two sets since it's gonna be a little chilly in the am...... :)
    lostinbama likes this.
  12. josh7owens

    josh7owens What's an apex?

    extra set of 3-temp chicken Hawks?! You should sell them to be at barber ;)

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