Traction Control and its effectiveness

Discussion in 'Riding FAQ' started by PatrickBateman, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. I have played around with it straight up and down in rain and dirt but have not been able to hit a track yet.

    What can i expect? In the most extreme (and stupid) circumstance: exiting a corner in 1st or 2nd can u just go WOT at full lean, what happens? Does the engine bog down and save ur stupid a$$ or will u go to the moon?

    Bike is a newer RSV4 (1000cc). TC is supposed to be the best out there. And yes i need to buy another 600 amd yes its too much bike but shes all i got atm.
  2. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Rides with no training wheels

    Go WOT at full lean and do a moon shot. Traction control is an aid not a cure.
  3. BigCountry1125

    BigCountry1125 "Lovings"

    Also traction control doesn't work good if your rear warmer takes a shit and you don't realize it till it's to late.....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. 1098inMi

    1098inMi Rides with no training wheels

    not sure about Aprilia, but the traction control on my Ducati will cut power if its turned up, at lower levels it would be possible to highside
  5. Swodi

    Swodi Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    The TC on my 848 Corse was having a field day at Barber in the rain (on rain tires). Those damn red lights were blinking in just about every turn. I played around with lowering the settings, but I never could get much wheel spin. I don't think it's ever really kicked in in dry conditions. Either that or I've just never noticed.

    Leaned over in the wet the power cut was really sever and I felt like I was just waiting for the power to come on when I had the throttle pinned. YMMV so don't take my word for it and go on a trip to the moon. ;)

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