What does everyone think of their Femmoto Suits?

Discussion in 'Sportbike Track Girl' started by kamikazejane, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. I just wanted to see how everyone is enjoying there Femmoto suits.

    I know I love mine. :D
  2. Abomb143

    Abomb143 Guest

    I'd buy one and I'm a dude!!!

    besides Bonnie told me "no"

    seriously, i looked them over and they are a good suit. I can't imagine anyone not be pleased
  3. geargirl

    geargirl n00b

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT

    I received mine today. Jane thank you so much for your help on the phone! The size 8 is perfect. If you need to use me for measurements, let me know.

    Now I need to sell my Syed/38..see my post in the for sale section

  4. Fits like a glove...but it is a little stiff for me...needs more trackdays! 8) I REALLY noticed the difference that the light color, stretchy panels, and perforation make in keeping you cooler.

    Oh, and I attempted to take all the armor out and put it back in...it was like wrasslin' with an octopus :lol:

    Other than that...it just looks so darn sexxxy. :wink:
  5. maidenamerica71

    maidenamerica71 Rides with no training wheels

    FEMMOTO SUIT: Schweet!

    Just wanted to add my 2cents since spotting a FEMMOTO suit at Barber's last week. VERY SchhWEET! I can't afford one just yet, so my old oversized MANSUIT will have to do. Total NV...

    Good job with the suit.
  6. Hasn't improved my cornering speed but it feels fast! :lol:
  7. Good one Faye.

    I am gald everyone is enjoying the suit. I love mine.

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