Vet2Track Veterans Track Day! Now Open to EVERYONE!

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by SGTJimbo, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. SGTJimbo

    SGTJimbo Found the apex, now what do I do with it? STT Staff

    Vet2Track is hosting a Veterans Only Track day May 20th at Grattan Raceway! $100 track day for Vets!

    Lunch is provided, we will have several Veteran Service Organizations on site and a great way to spend some time with our fellow Veterans!! US129photos will be there to capture the day as well.

    Register here: Https://

    STT is providing the Instruction and coaching for the day.

    If you aren't familiar with Vet2Track and what we do, checkout our website or our facebook page!

    If you have questions please send a message through here or give me a call 517-Four 1 Zero-7668

    steve802cc and Speak917 like this.
  2. wrx_s1000rr

    wrx_s1000rr Rides with no training wheels

    I'll be there! I can't wait!
  3. Ggunn9

    Ggunn9 Rides with no training wheels

    Wish this was closer to me.

    Barber, nola or texas.
  4. wrx_s1000rr

    wrx_s1000rr Rides with no training wheels

    Will garages be available? If so dibs on one!
  5. 1098inMi

    1098inMi Rides with no training wheels

    yes, you can contact Sam at Grattan directly for a garage
  6. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    Harleys and Cruisers! I have my fingers crossed that a Full dressed Ultra classic shows up!
    R/T Performance likes this.
  7. Ducati23

    Ducati23 Rides with no training wheels Staff Member

    Couple of us on Nick's crew are vet's - I know Eddie and I are retired military - you guys on Mike crew let us join in the fun? I'll come up for the weekend if we're invited! Don't mind working Grattan, awesome layout either direction.
  8. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    I'm sure if you email Mike he will be happy to have you join. the more the merrier. oh and if you wanna work April 15th and 16th we are short! lol
  9. wrx_s1000rr

    wrx_s1000rr Rides with no training wheels

    Any word on how many people are attending?
  10. Speak917

    Speak917 Rides with no training wheels

    I would love to attend, but still figuring out trailer options on a budget.
  11. SGTJimbo

    SGTJimbo Found the apex, now what do I do with it? STT Staff

    We currently have 20 signed up. We have 40+ that have said they are coming, but have not committed yet to reserving a slot.
  12. SGTJimbo

    SGTJimbo Found the apex, now what do I do with it? STT Staff

    We may be looking into other dates at other tracks. This is a first for us and trying to see if we can get the support to pull it off.
    Ggunn9 likes this.
  13. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    wont be there but thank you all for your service, its because of you we are able to do this .. God bless you
    Speak917 likes this.
  14. Ggunn9

    Ggunn9 Rides with no training wheels

    Thanks to you guys for doing this for vets anyway.
  15. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    I believe U-Haul has cheap motorcycle trailer rentals.

    Also post up where you are coming from, might be able to ride share with someone.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2016
  16. Speak917

    Speak917 Rides with no training wheels

    I've been renting U-Haul and have decided to buy a trailer, so trying to find a good lightweight trailer within budget. I would be coming from Lockport, IL.
  17. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    Can you just do a harbor freight trailer or one of those $500 utility trailers from the local home improvement store?
    Speak917 likes this.
  18. Boomer0369

    Boomer0369 Rides with no training wheels

    Damn! I just saw this hopefully it's not sold out!!
  19. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    April 9th on Facebook Jim said there are still spots available in all groups. on Facebook
  20. G2G

    G2G trouble

    I will be weather watching. If its half way decent I will defiantly ride.

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