WTB Autobahn May 28 or 29 Intermediate

Discussion in 'Want To Buy: Events' started by ineedanap, May 14, 2016.

  1. ineedanap

    ineedanap What's an apex?

    Let me know if you want to sell a day. Thanks, Rich.
  2. Aries

    Aries n00b

    I'm looking for an Intermediate day, too. Instead of starting a separate thread and competing, I'll get in line behind you.
  3. ineedanap

    ineedanap What's an apex?

    Hey Aries, I found a day. The next one is all yours. :)
  4. ads109

    ads109 What's an apex?

    I'm looking for the 28th in Intermediate. I'll get in line behind Aries.

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