STT race Licensing school at Road America on 6-30-16

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by K3, Jun 16, 2016.

  1. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    gsxrvette and Mran556 like this.
  2. tuscanijon

    tuscanijon Rides with no training wheels

    Will this be offered at another track later in the summer as well or a one time thing?
  3. CBay2857

    CBay2857 Rides with no training wheels

    I would be very interested in this if it were offered at one of the STT southern events. Are there any plans to offer at a southern track?
  4. gsxrvette

    gsxrvette What's an apex?

    I hope they do. This is really cool they are starting up this program. STT is always at the forefront of progress.
  5. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Currently, as far as I know, the school will be offered whenever STT hosts a trackday directly prior to an CCS event. But I'm not the one making those decisions. You should contact Nick Amelio in the North or Trevor Sadler in the South and express your interest. Demand drives supply!
  6. Gunshow Nick

    Gunshow Nick Northern Director

    Hi all
    we will be offering the ccs licensing class at other venues including southern region. We are working it out now. Please be patient and I apologize for not having this resolved at season start.
  7. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Well, we graduated our first three new racers and the class went really well! Looking forward to doing it again. Are YOU next?

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