New In Charlotte NC

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by FZweasel, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. FZweasel

    FZweasel n00b


    Moved to Charlotte from Nor Cal 4 months ago. Just got signed up for a track day at Carolina Motorsports Park on 7/1.

    I bought a 16' FZ-09 and Yamaha was nice enough to send me a free track day.

    This'll be my first day on a bike like the FZ (unless I get a day in before July) and boy do I need to relearn some things.

    Anyway, hello all. Hope to see you out there. :D
  2. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    FZweasel likes this.
  3. s102000

    s102000 Rides with no training wheels

    Welcome, you will like CMP
    FZweasel likes this.
  4. FZweasel

    FZweasel n00b

    Thanks, It was a coin toss between CMP and Road Atlanta.

    I hope to do both this summer.
  5. BP41

    BP41 n00b

    Cool! I'll be there. Love me some CMP
  6. Swodi

    Swodi Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Do one and you'll end up doing the other. ;)
    FZweasel likes this.
  7. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Welcome,, maybe I'll see you at Barber this year..
    FZweasel likes this.
  8. Boomer0369

    Boomer0369 Rides with no training wheels

    Welcome aboard!! I'm down in South Carolina, I will also be doing CMP, Roebling, Jennings, Road Atlanta, and probably Barber this summer as well!
  9. Babycow

    Babycow n00b

    Welcome, I'm a former Cali resident myself.
    FZweasel likes this.
  10. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Welcomes To STT
  11. Pistol

    Pistol n00b

    Welcome.....drove from NJ and stayed in Charlotte. Rode Saturday and Sunday at CMP 2 years ago and had the dam good time. Great track
  12. cyndi 2T

    cyndi 2T STT Director STT Staff Director


    Trevor & I live in Charlotte, so if you have any questions just let us know!
    Hopefully, we'll see you before CMP!


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