Hein Gericke Yamaha branded leathers SZ 46

Discussion in 'For Sale: Bikes, Parts & Gear' started by Vitamin-E, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. Vitamin-E

    Vitamin-E A-cug-yug-yug!!

    For sale is a set of Hein Gericke Yamaha branded leathers. A friend of mine included these as payment for a motorcycle I sold him and I never wore them. Looks like he wore them only a little more than I did!! They have never been down. $275 shipped to the continental US.

    20170211_192633a.jpg 20170211_192641z.jpg
  2. Vitamin-E

    Vitamin-E A-cug-yug-yug!!

    Bump, make offers!

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