Ladies Day - Little Tally

Discussion in 'Sportbike Track Girl' started by Vixen, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Vixen

    Vixen A Work in Progress !!

    WOW WOW WOW WOW ... what a fabulous day.

    This is my 2nd ladies day event and I just loved it. Great big thank you to everyone at STTGirl for the ladies day events, so spectacular. It's worth the drive from Toronto. :grouphug:

    HUGE thank you to Kirk for his terrific coaching.:thumb: I haven't been able to get back up to speed since my crash 6 weeks ago at Calabogie. Kirk you just rock!!! Some how you were able to bring me back ... you are just MAGIC (with the whitest teeth I've ever seen LOL) !!!

    Can't wait for next year :woot::woot::woot::woot:

    And a big thank you to my husband ... he was my umbrella boy for the mock race
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
    Robert C. Staley likes this.
  2. hmoore

    hmoore n00b

    Any pics from the event? I wanted to come out but couldn't.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
    Robert C. Staley likes this.
  3. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

  4. Vixen

    Vixen A Work in Progress !!

    I have a couple. Come on ladies, show your pics

    Attached Files:

  5. BLESK

    BLESK Havin' FUN!

    Hey everyone! I'm the one who had the unplanned dismount before lunch. Sorry I shortened your session.

    I'm doing well. The final score is: left hand 7 pins (I don't think that's what he meant by, pin it to win it!), 3rd and 4th right ribs broken, and other than that just gnarly bruises. Lol

    I'd like to give a big shout out to the STT family for the quick response and exceptional cate at the track! I also appreciate all the care and concern and assistance from the other riders and crew in the pits. Thank you all so much!

    I'll see you all again soon.
  6. skapan

    skapan Step 'n' Fetch for Vixen

    You had us worried when we saw you laying at the side of the track. So glad you checked in here to let us know how you are. See you at Grattan next year!
  7. Vixen

    Vixen A Work in Progress !!

    So very glad you are ok. Thanks for letting us know
  8. gsxrvette

    gsxrvette What's an apex?

    Glad you are doing good. That wreck didn't look good.
  9. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

    Thanks for checking in and updating us. Hope you are 100% very soon!
  10. mspgirl

    mspgirl n00b

    BLESK,wishing you a speedy recovery!
  11. Vixen

    Vixen A Work in Progress !!

    @BLESK I'm thinking you are fully healed up. Hoping you will be attending Ladies day at Grattan in July and little tally in september
  12. I hope you are shared your story with the new image
  13. BLESK

    BLESK Havin' FUN!

    Hi guys!
    It's been a while. The long and short of it: broke all the fingers on my left hand (10 pins while healing) and two ribs behind my right shoulder blade. The bike was pretty much toast as were my leathers.

    So, here I am a few years later getting my ducks in a row to get back on the track! This is Dusty. I've got a lot left to do to him to get him ready, but today was the first step- changing his handlebars to clipons.

    A HUGE SHOUT OUT to Opie with CayloRMade in Marietta, GA for doing all the work on Dusty. I can't wait to ride the finished product!

    What all is to come you ask? Tee hee hee I'll post up as the transformation continues. HINT- Micron......

    I have a bit of work to do on myself too. I've got new leathers, but need to shed a few of those extra pounds that have snuck on since the last time I was on the track.

    Can't wait to get out there and see all y'all on the track again!

    Dusty with clipons.jpg
    Lanval likes this.
  14. Lanval

    Lanval n00b


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