Best/cheapest tire balancing stand?

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by thecurvecarver, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. thecurvecarver

    thecurvecarver What's an apex?

    Looking into buying a No-Mar tire changer to install in my shop. Will need a tire balancing stand, but really rather not pay $200+ for the No-Mar brand, as it would seem that a lesser quality balancing stand could still get the job done. I recently mounted some tires at a buddy's house that has a No-Mar setup with I believe their balancing stand as well. When we were balancing it, seemed the wheel was turning on it's own bearings more than the actual rod turning on the stand's bearings. This leads me to believe having the super most bestest stand bearings really isn't necessary to balance a tire well. It balanced with zero vibrations.

    Bikemaster makes one for $116 with the adjustable arm that allows you to check "trueness" of rim/rotor/etc for $116.

    Harbor Freight has the Pittsburgh branded one for $41. I've bought several Pittsburgh branded tools from there and always been fairly decent quality for the money.

    Anyone have any experience with these brands or can recommend other brands?
  2. gpbarber

    gpbarber n00b

    I second the HF Pittsburgh brand but I have been using tire irons and rim guards. Rigged a c-channel on the wall with a lever arm to brake the bead.
    Been doing that since my Z-1
  3. TwoBrothersBusa

    TwoBrothersBusa Team Gixxer Racing STT Staff

    When I spin balance on my no name brand the wheel spins maybe 50/50 on the wheel bearings and then the balance rod bearings. I have the No Mar changer and if I had it to do again, I'd buy a fully automatic two cents.
  4. cjc

    cjc Rides with no training wheels

    TLR67 and TwoBrothersBusa like this.
  5. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Ha... that’s my father in laws company... Anyone want anything off that site PM me.. I can get it at cost... As far as the balances are concerned I use a MarcParnes with 2 Jackstands...
  6. cjc

    cjc Rides with no training wheels

    Yep - great product, fast shipping and concierge service from TLR67!
  7. thecurvecarver

    thecurvecarver What's an apex?

    I ended up ordering the economy No Mar model CH100HD. Labor Day sale, got it with upgrades, bead keeper tool, some valve stems, valve stem multi tool, anchor bolts, Long Acre pressure guage, for $522 shipped with discount. Ordered cheap balancing stand on ebay for $35. Got the No mar in, waiting on the stand to come in. Gotta assemble and mount the No mar in the floor of my shop now.
  8. E-Van

    E-Van What's an apex?

    Love my no mar, works great for my purposes. I have the bikemaster balancer which seems to get the job done and I’ve also used the indicator it comes with to true some dirtbike wheels.
    thecurvecarver likes this.
  9. Rewind

    Rewind n00b

    I've been doing my own tires for a couple of years now. I use the HF balancer and it has always balanced true. Think I paid $40. Between me and friends I've done like 15 sets.
  10. thecurvecarver

    thecurvecarver What's an apex?

    I used my No Mar changer a couple weeks ago before going down to Tally, flipped my rear tire. Was super easy and the cheap $35 ebay balancing stand allowed me to balance it perfectly. Gotta flip it back around forwards now to finish wearing it out. So glad to have those pieces of equipment in my shop now. Extremely handy and will save me a ton of money.

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