Returning to the Track...

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by Tank28, Aug 16, 2020.

  1. Tank28

    Tank28 n00b

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Looking for advice. I will be returning to the track this September after an 8 year absence due to.....stuff. One of the things I learned was you'll never get better unless you ask. There is no comparison to the family that STT is and I've never been let down when admitting I could use some help.

    When I last attended I ran in the Advanced class at the tracks I was familiar with. While there is no way of explaining how well/fast I got around the track I do remember passing this Gunshow Nick guy on a regular basis.... So my question is what group would be the intelligent, safe and respectable choice after nearly a decade away from the track? I signed up for Intermediate at ACC this September just to assure I had a spot held. Is this a good thing to do?

    While I admit I am nervous about returning the idea of reacquainting with the people of Sportbike Track time, and now being able to bring my kids for the experience as well, is unbelievable. I look forward to seeing some familiar faces again!!!
    design-engine likes this.
  2. turbo12

    turbo12 Rides with no training wheels
    STT Staff

    Oct 14, 2008
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    Welcome back to the family!

    Assuming you have continued to ride over the past decade, Intermediate should be fine. Just grab a coach after the morning meeting to give you a tow and any recommendations. If all is good, you can enjoy the rest of the day in Intermediate; if it is a bit of a struggle, you can get bumped down to Novice for some additional assistance.

    If you have ridden very little in the intervening years, perhaps starting in Novice would be a wiser choice. You can start off slow, get reacclimated, and bumped to I or A when you are ready.

    Hope this helps
    Tank28, STTJulie and R/T Performance like this.
  3. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike
    STT Staff

    Jul 10, 2011
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    if your confident i would say i is a good choice build some confidence back up.

    Welcome back
    Tank28 likes this.
  4. Tank28

    Tank28 n00b

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I do appreciate the feedback! Looking forward to reacquainting with good people...
  5. misko

    misko Rides with no training wheels

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I was in a similar position to you a few years back. I was away from the track for 6 years. I rode a lot of dirt, a bit of street, but zero miles on a sport bike during the time off. Like you, I was an A group guy for the track that I was familiar with. I signed up for Intermediate the first day. I was pretty nervous and expected that it would take me some time to get back up to speed - it didn't. It all came back quickly. At the end of the day I asked to be evaluated for a bump up to A group and got the approval. For the second day I was back in the A group and felt like I had never left.

    A lot of this is obviously very personal and dependent on what kind of shape you are in, the bike that you're riding coming back, etc... but in general my experience has been that if you were a solid A group rider that has stayed active during the time away, it will all come back quickly. Welcome back and have fun out there! :)
    R/T Performance, Tank28 and svpauly like this.
  6. Tank28

    Tank28 n00b

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I have stayed active to the point of some street riding and a lot of BMX now that my son is old enough to be getting in to it. Grew up on dirt but nothing in the recent years...miss that too. Your experience on the technique coming back quickly is awesome and gives me hope. Like you said, obviously every one is different, but if I maintain your similar strategy/intelligence in starting out in a lesser class until I'm sure of things I'm hoping it will come back for me as well. Thank you for that!

    To be completely honest, one of my concerns is my weight and how it will effect bike, tires, etc... When I left the track I was about 230...after getting back into strength training I'm now around 260 (yes, at 260 I look like a bear on a tricycle with my son on matching 21 inch Radio's...but its epic so...).

    Speaking of still fitting into things...I have 10 plus year old gear! Do leathers, etc. expire??
  7. tigerblade

    tigerblade What's an apex?

    Jan 27, 2015
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    I was away from the track after I broke my back racing in 2004 until returning in 2015. I still use my old leathers from then but they've always been in decent storage. At first I felt like I'd made a huge mistake but after a bit I got comfortable again. I actually had to go a bit faster for the track to flow and make sense, then it was like "Oh okay. Maybe I'm still all right at this."
    Tank28 likes this.
  8. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike
    STT Staff

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Take it and pull with all your strength. if it had sweaty salt left in it will be like over bleached clothes and rotted will just shred apart if not. get some leather conditioner and get it softened back up, or send it to Dan at Sportbike leather service to inspect and then clean condtion
    Tank28 likes this.
  9. Sportbike Tire Service

    Sportbike Tire Service Rides with no training wheels

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Welcome back!!! If you need any tire advice or related questions, please let us know. Sportbike Tire Service is always at every STT event and we are there to make sure you have the best experience possible.

    Again, welcome back!!!!
    Tank28 likes this.
  10. Larry Walker

    Larry Walker Throttle Out

    May 17, 2020
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    I just came back a couple of weeks ago after an 11 year absence from the track and was able to run in intermediate with no problems. Was actually surprised how fast you get your bearings back. I too used to run in advanced group. You should have no problems running in I class. Welcome back!
    Tank28 likes this.
  11. Tank28

    Tank28 n00b

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Awesome! Loving all the positive feedback...really helping with the nervousness. I’ve signed up for both Sunday and Monday Labor Day weekend in intermediate and will leave it up to the guys in yellow (they still have the yellow jerseys?) if I move up.
  12. Tank28

    Tank28 n00b

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Was actually on the site now with intentions of finding your tire service! Just ordered a set of the Power RS from you... Thank you!
  13. Tank28

    Tank28 n00b

    Oct 13, 2008
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    2 just arrived. Can’t say how much I appreciate the kindness of Sport Bike Tire Service in taking the time to call personally and talk about coming back to the track. Also hooked me up with an undeserved but infinitely appreciated upgrade on my order of new tires.

    No words to describe the excitement of returning to the track and reacquainting with the good people of STT. Feedback through this post reminds me of what I’ve been missing....real people.

    Also........upon opening the box the sexy new Michelin’s arrived in my daughter and I agree...Michelin needs to come out with a scented candle.
    design-engine likes this.

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