Road Atlanta - Aug. 16-17 - Roll Call

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by Chaotic, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Tacmedic

    Tacmedic Rides with no training wheels

  2. FZ1guy

    FZ1guy Hey - Watch this...

    1st track day on the 17th.
  3. Toddgotfish

    Toddgotfish Rides with no training wheels

    Wow, you picked the biggest baddest track of them all for your first track day. . . .you will be hooked for sure :woot:
  4. FZ1guy

    FZ1guy Hey - Watch this...

    Yea. I know.
    I know the track upside down and backwards and its near home.
    What took me so long?
  5. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    IMO, that is a good pace for what we were doing, especially on a relatively crowded track. I could tell we were a few seconds off pace and not really pushing, but we were still moving at a pretty good clip and having a lot of fun.

    To me, that is what track days are all about. Riding with friends at about a 7 or 8 out of 10 pace, moving at a good clip, but being relaxed and having fun.

    It makes it even better when one of said friends has a backwards facing GoPro running. :D
  6. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

    I love backward facing gopros. :D

    I can hear some cars going around road a right now, wishing I was out there
  7. Toddgotfish

    Toddgotfish Rides with no training wheels

    12 more days. . .:woot:
  8. mcarter551

    mcarter551 Rides with no training wheels

    Are there showers at the track?
  9. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

  10. mcarter551

    mcarter551 Rides with no training wheels

    Where might they be and are they any better than TGPR showers? haha
  11. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

    Near the tower on old pit side. I have never used the showers as I live right down the road and always just go home to shower.
  12. mcarter551

    mcarter551 Rides with no training wheels

    Must be nice
  13. Toddgotfish

    Toddgotfish Rides with no training wheels

    It's strange, a bathroom with 10 stalls and only 2 showers. Last trip we had to find someone to turn the water heaters on :eek:
  14. mcarter551

    mcarter551 Rides with no training wheels

    I don't like the sound of that
  15. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Not at the moment, but it is summer time in the south, so they could pop up at anytime. :lmao:
  16. Gorilla

    Gorilla Do What?

  17. Psychoholic

    Psychoholic Bearded Maniac

    Washed my suit yesterday, definitely getting at it with the leather conditioner today. Bringing a bunch of friends out to the track with me too, so this should be a damned good time.
  18. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Yeah, like Brett said they have showers in the old paddock. They aren't too bad, I have used them a few times in the past.

    Somebody mentioned Tally, the showers in the Silo are awesome.
  19. Turliss

    Turliss n00b

    Ahhh cant wait
  20. Turliss

    Turliss n00b

    What time do the gates open to buy in, I know the gate is 24 hours but what time will thebooth be open to buy the bracelet.

    Im staying with a friend in CAnton and will be there early saturday morning

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