Grattan 10/12-10/13

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by ecsiders, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. ecsiders

    ecsiders Rides with no training wheels

    I have been to Grattan one time so far and loved the track. Wondering how the track handles in colder temps? I don't have tire warmers so really just trying to prepare myself mentally. Did novice level 4 considering novice level 3 for Saturday and level 2 for Sunday. Good idea or should I lower my expectations? I really want to work my way to a 1:35-1:30 lap time... Is this realistic thinking or not to some of you more experienced riders??? Thanks
  2. mattinrsm

    mattinrsm Old dude

    A lot of advanced guys don't go 1:30....just saying.
  3. Jbuzz

    Jbuzz The noob

    I too am a noob. I say this on the basis that I started track riding this year.

    But since I have been there about 8 or 9 times, as well as fallen at Grattan twice this year, here is my advice about your questions. The track does have less grip in colder weather. Also, I have recently noticed that the track changes, over the course of the day. The track seems to have less grip in the morning, more during lunch time, and less again at the end of the day. But this is only my perception based on the last two times I was there on 9/8 and 8/25.

    I ride a 08 cbr600rr and it is not a good track bike. No slipper clutch, soft suspension, not so good stock brakes, etc. I say this on the basis that my buddy's '07 zx6r is much better than my bike with a slipper, better brakes, more hp and, suspension.

    Here is a link to my youtube vid on 8/25 at Grattan. I am running about 1:33s. (I'm not very good yet.)

    The more experienced guys can probably expound on this subject much better, but sometimes a fellow noob's perception helps too.

    So, I hope this helped! Good luck fellow track rider!
  4. Jbuzz

    Jbuzz The noob

    I was at Grattan 9/8 in Advanced, and I was running 1:30s and 1:31s. Fastest lap was a high 1:29.

    I was still getting lapped towards the end of the sessions. (I am still not very good yet!)

    I do not mean to contradict, but that's how it was last time at Grattan. My instructor John Weirathian or whatever his last name was, said that there were a lot of fast guys since it was toward the end of the season.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2013
  5. mike.kozykoski

    mike.kozykoski Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Don't get hung up on what novice group number you’re in, group 1 is not always the fastest. Also the group 2 pace one event maybe group 4 pace the next. If the group you get placed in is not riding at your pace asked to be moved.
    Big difference between wanting to ride in a faster group and being able to.
    You'll learn very little riding in a group which is faster than you are comfortable riding except maybe how to catch up on the straightaway.
  6. CHINO52405

    CHINO52405 Rides with no training wheels

    How dare you! :eek:

    I also ride an 08 600RR and I think its the absolute perfect novice track bike. No slipper clutch, no gear indicator, great low end torque for us noobs who drop below 10k at the apex... I did have a LOT of issues with my suspension before tightening it up "for my weight" (I think I weigh more with gear than the bike is sprung for). Downshifts under braking would upset the front end a lot before tightening. Also, I have Vortex rearsets and I have heard that this bike's stock rears are just begging to be drug.

    You could get a situation like we had running ACC full on Labor Day where we had N 1-6 were the typical N 1-2.
  7. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    I love grattan... But not when it's chilly.
  8. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    What JT said. I dont want to ride Grattan on a cold October day. For me its too much tip towing around. Grattan is always a bit slippery if it's chilly in the morning but warms up nicely latest at session 3 on a summer day and stays nice and sticky for the rest of the day. 1:30 is pretty speedy already btw!

    Have fun!
  9. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    dont put so much stress on yourself with groups and laptimes.

    everyone is different. everyone learns at a different pace. someone may only take a day or two and can run in the 1:30 range, others may never get that fast. alot depends on how many other track days at different tracks you have under your belt.

    street riding really doesnt transpose into track riding. they both help each other but, the track helps the street more than in the reverse.

    i just started running consistant sub 1:30 laps this season. it takes alot to go that fast at grattan.

    alot of us weather watch the first and last days of the year and make a commitment if the temps and weather allow us to ride in our comfort zone. michigan is too fickle with weather patterns to say "every year, you can count on it being sunny and 70+ in april and or october."

    be pacient with the learning curve. dont get caught up in the times/speed, or you can end up with the bike on the trailer of shame, and or you in the meat wagon hurt or worse. it is a dangerous hobby, and can reach up and catch you in a hurry.

    little steps...

  10. RAZR51

    RAZR51 Large member

    Just curious, have you timed any of your laps at Grattan? I wouldn't think any of the "N" classes would be running that fast.
  11. Rick412

    Rick412 STT Staff STT Staff

    You can go pretty fast at Grattan when its cold. A small group was in the high 22s low 23s when it was in the high 50s-low 60s last year.
  12. sobottka

    sobottka Rides with no training wheels

    I agree with Ski. Baby steps is what I recommend. Work on the basics of your skill set and the weak area of your riding (hard braking, lines, throttle, bike control etc.) and the times will be there. Just guunning for times is a recipie for disaster if you dont have the skill to ride at that level. Good luck! I may go to this event, stop by and say hi if you go!
  13. Jonny Boy

    Jonny Boy Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Yes, we def had some fast guys there in Sept. But at the same time there where some riders in advanced that should not have been there. At your pace I had no issues with you in advanced and you held a good line! Keep it up!

    BTW... The name is Jon Weirath :cheers:
  14. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    :thumb: :rawk:

    BIG TIME cluster.. hell you saw the video of 30+ ppl passed in ONE session :wtf:
  15. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    jt, with you running low 22-23's you pass everyone but, the top top guys. :D Just sayin, Ski
  16. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    Yeah just like Steve, I went out right behind them guys and the first corner you cant freaking see them anymore! :eek:
    Maybe when Im a big boy I can do that :wheel:
  17. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    I honestly didn't expect it to be that far off I honestly asked myself if I went out in the wrong group. I'm quick but I've got a ways to go before I'm fast. I'll get those top few guys eventually. This year was the first year I came to grattan more than twice so eventually.
  18. Jbuzz

    Jbuzz The noob

    Hey John, sorry about butchering your last name. JT, you're the "Arlen Ness" guy, in the green, you guys are really really fast!
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  19. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    that would be me, quick, but still have some work to do before i'm fast, about 2 seconds worth :thumb: I can't wait for next season to try some new stuff out over there and see what it does.
  20. ecsiders

    ecsiders Rides with no training wheels

    I was running a 1:40 at the end of the day my last track day.

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