Grattan 10/12-10/13

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by ecsiders, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. ecsiders

    ecsiders Rides with no training wheels

    1:40-1:45 laps my last track day. 10 seconds I think is a lot to drop in a lap but I felt like I was going slow...
  2. ekraft84

    ekraft84 What's an apex?

    "Quick but not fast?" You're joking. Is that what you tell yourself at night to justify the yellow plates? :D

    You can't wait to run white plates next year, with all your new-found speed, tire warmer bling, etc. etc.

  3. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    Dude your fast as hell already! I'm sure you can run with the big dogs! Ohh and show me some of ur "old stuff" before you try the new! Lol
  4. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    Lol I still got at least a second to grab to keep you guys in sight, you & that grey guy are fast, I'm merely a mid pack, but I did drop time with the new found goodness lol. I'll have white plates next year, it's the only way to get faster.

    Tom if I'm there just come by and I'd be more than happy to help ya out. We got jimmyjames' time down just by me and jonny walking the track with him.
  5. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    Cool! I'm more then happy to take that offer!:thumb:
    Also wanna participate at the Pro-school and do the WERA race at Grattan if I can squeeze that all in! :woot:
  6. ekraft84

    ekraft84 What's an apex?

    Listen to yourself! "I've got a second to grab ..." For what? A second to grab before you can get a white plate? You are the new definition of a legitimate squid! :wheel:

    22's at Grattan and you're not sure if you should be expert!? Wait, let me guess - you don't want to be expert until you "can win"? :first: Lovely! If I had done that, I would never have raced doing 2:00's at Grattan on a Honda Hawk when I started. :ride:

    If I see a yellow plate on that bike, again - ever, there is no limit to the extent I will go to make you feel pain, remorse and regret for that very poor decision. Mark my words.

    People like you make me sick! It's a good thing you have cool tire warmers. :amen:

  7. ekraft84

    ekraft84 What's an apex?

    Sorry, it's Friday. I'm itching to ride. :D
  8. Zepp

    Zepp STT Staff

    Don't be sorry, beat up on JT, slow him down, he's getting too damn fast :)
  9. RAZR51

    RAZR51 Large member

    Most of the times when a rider thinks they're going slow, they were actually going pretty good. 1:40 in the "N" class is pretty quick. 1:30 is a good "A" time I believe. I'll bet with some practice and patience, you can get there. I always thought the "N" class wasn't supposed to worry about times. Good luck:thumb:
  10. SGTJimbo

    SGTJimbo Found the apex, now what do I do with it? STT Staff

    Put away your lap timer temporarily. Focus on the fundamentals and ask for input from coaches. I never used a laptimer but guaged myself on how much smoother I felt and where I was with the regulars first in I and now A. When I started passing people that used to pass me. First one. Then two.

    I just bought a timer but haven't used it yet.

    Coaching has helped me a lot. Not running with the fast guys yet but getting there.
  11. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    Sick like food poisoning sick? Or flu coming and going type :D

    In regards to the second to grab that's not to determine expert status but rather I'll accept the label of "fast". One thing I've learned in this sport is to stay humble, and that I do.

    There will be white plates next year but not because you think I should but because I personally feel the 5 race weekends I've attended are enough experience to run with experts safely. Plus I hear the popshadow decals white plate set add 7.5 hp to my bike.
  12. ekraft84

    ekraft84 What's an apex?

    Good man.

    I heard it was 5. What unobtanium-vinyl are you getting? :D
  13. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Rides with no training wheels

    If there weren't sandbaggers in novice we'd all be experts :)
  14. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    Beta testers get an additional 2.5 :D

    FYI acc is tomorrow. 82 & sunny. Just sayin :)
  15. SirPsycho

    SirPsycho n00b

    Does anybody know what direction these days will be. I have done Gratten counterclockwise once and loved it.
  16. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    CW unless the schedule says otherwise.
  17. RAZR51

    RAZR51 Large member

    Yep...Grattan ccw is excellent.
  18. jimmyjames922

    jimmyjames922 Rides with no training wheels

    I'm a Novice/Intermediate rider, at the last Grattan weekend I did a track walk with JT and JonnyBoy, which helped me out tremendously the next day! Big thanks goes out to them for offering to take me out on the track to learn a thing or two from some "quick but not fast riders", come on now JT, really?!?
    Talk about these guys being fast I couldn't even keep up with them during the track walk. I think JT's one short leg is giving him an unfair advantage. Thanks again for the help and advice throughout the weekend guys,in my own mind I dominated in turn 3, 4 and the sweeper for my skill level! can't wait to be able to actually ride with you guys to learn even more.
  19. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    LMFAO.. this still makes me :lmao: so some cliff notes here.. no Eddie isn't crazy, well maybe a little :fear: I know now that if you attempt to go fast with a yellow plate eddie will kill you :crutch: but its all out of luv!! :kiss: :kap:

    I was stoked fo ya bro, sometimes thats all it takes is to just look at it. You'll pick up more speed next year i'm sure.

    I see to be getting alot of flack for the "quick but not fast" & thats ok with me, one thing i learned when i quit riding street and made this my full time riding was to stay humble in this sport & i have. I've always been well aware that there is always someone faster, better etc.. and i like that because its a thing that you can sit back and learn from just by dropping in behind them. So, if being humble makes me guilty of something then so be it, guilty as charged.

    I kinda wish i was going next weekend, but we have stuff to do here at home. but there is always next year :woot:
  20. ekraft84

    ekraft84 What's an apex?

    Being humble is important, agreed. However putting yourself in a position that limits your potential growth/ceiling when you've obviously been riding quite well, is another - thus my stern approach.


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