Roll Call for ACC Sept 27/28th

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by Black Mamba, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Black Mamba

    Black Mamba Go Slow in Slow Corners and Fast in Fast Corners! STT Staff Director

    I'm just rolling out with this early cuz it seems that spots for the last ACC event of the season is starting to selling pretty quickly. It was at 60% sold out this morning for I & N group, but now it's more like 70% and Advanced is starting to pick up as well. :eek:

    If you are planning to come ride at this awesome event weekend, get your spots sooner than later especially since its the last chance of the season to ride ACC .....aaaaand it's double North!!! :cheer:

    Who's IN so far?
  2. aniolpl

    aniolpl I like motorcycles

    I'm in!!!!
  3. Ninjeff

    Ninjeff Trackday 101.

    Thanks to the handy dandy facebook post letting us know it was selling quick...

    Im in too!:woot: (for sunday)
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  4. CHINO52405

    CHINO52405 Rides with no training wheels

    In and excited to be able to be back riding again!
  5. Kot

    Kot Rides with no training wheels

    In for both days
  6. Juicebox

    Juicebox Rides with no training wheels

    I'm in! :cheer: See all you bishes there!! :rawk:
  7. eE jeremy

    eE jeremy Rides with no training wheels

    In for both days
  8. matoo

    matoo The Plumber

    In for Sunday!
  9. angieR6

    angieR6 angieR6

    See U guys on Saturday :) :wheel:
  10. Knolly

    Knolly What's an apex?

    I'm in for both days. I figure I'll squeeze in one last weekend of big bike hunting this year! Just have this weekend then races down at the Corvette Museum track left this year. Then it's back to wondering why I live in Chicago when I hate winter so much.
  11. Black Mamba

    Black Mamba Go Slow in Slow Corners and Fast in Fast Corners! STT Staff Director

    Just a heads up, Intermediate only has a couple spots left both days and Novice is about 90% sold out. Advanced is also starting to fill. Get your spots soon peeps!
  12. T_Town_Tom

    T_Town_Tom Rides with no training wheels

    In both days.
  13. Juicebox

    Juicebox Rides with no training wheels

    I ask myself that every time I hang the snow shovel up on the wall next to my bike in the garage :cry:

    Can't wait to ride with you again :bounce:
  14. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    Pffft i'm in for the gangbang!!
  15. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    in for Saturday and the Moss class (if I can get the new bike done). Ski
  16. Oz1

    Oz1 Rider

    In for both days and class on Sunday.
  17. EvIL TwIn

    EvIL TwIn Entertainment Guru

  18. PaulD

    PaulD Rides with no training wheels

    We can at least live in denial for a couple more months...

    In for both days. Let me know if you want a paddock neighbor :thumb:
  19. Boomer0369

    Boomer0369 Rides with no training wheels

    SOB!! wish I could make this event!! and the only time bikes will be at the Corvette museum track down in Bowling Green Kentucky is sold out! I need one more Track day before the...........dare I say it season is over:cry:!!! I'm thinking Grattan but damn it will be COLD in October!
  20. rdpapag

    rdpapag n00b

    Thanks for the heads up.

    In for Sunday. :thumb:

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