ACC North 9/27-28 Video Thread

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by Knolly, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. aniolpl

    aniolpl I like motorcycles

    Haha! Please don't think I have a trouble leaning the bike at every corner. I don't have a problem leaning the bike at all. I went off track due to high speed, bad line and not enough braking:amen: Mistakes that most people do :)


    Steve, I'm not in the grass at every event. It has happened to me at two last events and hopefully won't happen again. I have posted two other videos in this thread, so it's not truth that "every time I post a video its me going into the grass". I though this kind of footage will interest people...
    Thank you for your offer, next time I will come to you and we'll chat in person :thumb:
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  2. PacMan

    PacMan Rides with no training wheels

    High speed I would not say so.
  3. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    Mike, at the speed you were going, little to no breaks were necessary to make the turn. So, Either something is wrong with your bike (which we can fix) or we need to work on your brain catching up with the track (which we can fix) it's a win win. Look forward to seeing you.
  4. Kordyte

    Kordyte n00b

    You are doing fine but you're not going THAT fast to be honest. Go watch some of the REALLY FAST guys in A. I watched your video - it can lean more.
  5. aniolpl

    aniolpl I like motorcycles

    Every turn at the track is taken at high speed...

    In the previous posts I was told I wasn't trailbreaking enough, now you are telling me no breaks were necessary to make that turn.

    I never said I'm fast. Maybe that speed was too fast for my skill level..? My first track day was at the end of July, so I don't really want to compare myself to A guys.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  6. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    You can trail break at any speed, Mike. It's a great skill to have and practice. We'll work together next time you are at the track.
  7. PacMan

    PacMan Rides with no training wheels

    You start rolling off the throthle at marker "6", so let me guess...maybe you are not just processing fast enough all the circumstances and inputs at the given time at the track and because of it seems like a high-speed to you. Everything will come to you with more seat time at the track. We all do have same 'problems' trust me!
  8. Ninjeff

    Ninjeff Trackday 101.

    I know thats my problem right now!
  9. Ninjeff, you still working on posting those videos from last weekend?
  10. Ninjeff

    Ninjeff Trackday 101.

    I suppose i should publish em huh? lol

    I guess i wont worry about editing them. In case anyone wants to find themselves.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  11. Knolly

    Knolly What's an apex?

    Saturday - Intermediate Session 5

    Nothing too exciting, but I already uploaded it for someone since I was behind them when their Gopro flew off, so I figured I'd post it here.

  12. Ninjeff

    Ninjeff Trackday 101.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  13. rdpapag

    rdpapag n00b

    knolly what helmet cam is that?
  14. Knolly

    Knolly What's an apex?

    It's a ReplayXD 1080, I've loved it so far aside from battery life not being great. They just released a new one with better quality video and better battery though.
  15. PacMan

    PacMan Rides with no training wheels

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