Oct Barber Roll Call

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by Brett, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. pjdoran

    pjdoran Rides with no training wheels

    In with the Iowegian contingent!! Looking for a couple of Sat. slots if you know anyone selling.....

    Ready to make an ass of myself, on AND off the track!
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  2. nolarocks

    nolarocks n00b

    Cool!! Then the Pitpassradio crew will be in the house! :)

  3. pjdoran

    pjdoran Rides with no training wheels

    In all it's technicolor.....awww, who am I kidding, we will be there drinking heavily! Hope to see you there SV Sniper!!
  4. BLESK

    BLESK Havin' FUN!

    Strap and I are in both days. His birthday is the 31st but we'll be celebrating there.
  5. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    4 sleeps and a wake up, and we are off and up out this bitch :D, heading to the land of the south. cannot wait!!!! :D is anyone as excited as I am? Ski
  6. ljuice26

    ljuice26 n00b

    I can't wait. Getting there early on Friday. Looking forward to a sunny weekend with good friends and some fast laps.
  7. ASM

    ASM Rides with no training wheels

    Unfortunately, legend had it wrong and I actually can't make it...bummer since I was hoping to see a couple of friends and have some fun.

    Y'all have fun and stay safe!!
  8. TooSlow

    TooSlow Getting Faster

    Well..... I started the track bike yesterday and ran it up and down the street. So I guess I'm there with you. First time on the bike in two months, (any bike) felt good.
  9. Tiller


    I'm just gonna leave this right here for everyone :thumb:

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  10. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    I'm going to have a sinking feeling Friday that I'M DRIVING THE WRONG WAY....you guys have a great time!!!
  11. Tiller


    You SURE will! I'll be sure to send you a pic of my lap timer :lmao:
  12. BLESK

    BLESK Havin' FUN!

    Will be nice to ride without liquid sunshine for once! Can't wait!!!!!!
  13. screws4068

    screws4068 Rides with no training wheels

    The wife and I can not wait till this weekend. We will be there at 6 on friday to set up. I am riding I on saturday and my wife is riding N on Sun. Looking forward to seeing everyone, looks like it is going to be a great weekend!!!
  14. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    Just make sure it's not Cantrell's - cause I'll know! :bounce:
  15. mars

    mars Rides with no training wheels

    So I picked this up about a month ago and in the process of mechanical rebuild. First stage is mostly mech, overhaul engine, carbs, new shocks, tires and tune suspension and handling. After Barber I'll deal with aesthetics. First pic is the day I got it, second is how it looks today (really hope it gets done by Fri!).

    Q: anyone in Novice running a similar underpowered wiggle-wobble machine this weekend? I am going to run one day with the CB350 and another on my regular track day GSXR, I would like to pick a day that I could follow someone with a similar bike.


  16. newleaf

    newleaf What's an apex?

    I like that belly pan. I trust you checked the front drum brake pads?
    have fun.
  17. mackja

    mackja What's an apex?

    Does it really matter if he checked the front "drum" brakes, all they do is give you something to do while you wait for the crash. Drum brakes at the track = no brakes at the track! Should be a hoot to ride!!!
  18. mars

    mars Rides with no training wheels

    Belly pan and fender are getting replaced by Tannermatic parts but we didn't get to work on it in time. We are focusing on the mech. I have never tried a bike like this, I have no idea what to expect on the track, other than what people already told me: underpowered, very weak brakes, wiggle and wobble on every turn.

    Here is the thread on the build:

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  19. mars

    mars Rides with no training wheels

    Only thing I fear is someone passing me on the braking zone, returning to the race line and slamming the brakes in front of me. Other than that, I am planning on turning at whatever speed the brakes are able to slow down to. This weekend will be all about cornering :)

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  20. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    I'm in for both days!

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