Have you ever seen a cheap rear stand fail?

Discussion in 'Track Day Gear and Accessories' started by solson1041, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    All good till you need to remove a Fork..... I would take a Burzig over one of those in a heartbeat...
  2. PROVERBS254

    PROVERBS254 Rides with no training wheels

    Didnt even know there were others out there. I would use it to move my bike around being that i have a pit bull for the triple tree if i need to work on the forks. I may look at Burzig.
  3. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

    Being I started with a harbor freight. then bought a set of mj moto gears and then a set of trex.....I now have pitbulls. biggest difference is with pitbull is the rear spool forks are the same everytime and using warmers it reduces the drop risk. the front on the pitbull fork lift just works better with the counter weight and height adjustment option for odd fork ends. got the rear off craiglist for 100 bought a front hybrid new
  4. flylikechris

    flylikechris Wait, how tall are you?

    Cheap stands all the way. Between harbor freight and MjMoto stands.

    I drop engines, pull forks, and store my bikes on MjMoto stands and have no problems at all.

    PitBull just seems to be a United States phenomenon. Watching European Series, or WSBK, MotoGP, I don't ever see Pitbull stands. Usually stands that look similar to our cheap-o stands in their pro paddocks.
  5. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    You get what you pay for.... Good luck.... I need to check Rossi's belly pan for Harbour Freight decals..Lmao
  6. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

  7. flylikechris

    flylikechris Wait, how tall are you?

    Sure won't see any Pitbull Decals
  8. Knolly

    Knolly What's an apex?

    I know at least some MotoGP teams use Valter Moto stands.

    Just to play devil's advocate though... Would there really be much demand for Pit Bulls overseas? The cost to ship them would make them astronomically expensive. I am a huge believer in Pit Bull, but I'm sure there are equivalent sturdy stands over in Europe that people can buy locally that would make more sense than importing one.
  9. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Or cheap ones.....
  10. solson1041

    solson1041 n00b

    Well no, it's a MotoGP team. But saying "you get what you pay for" is sort of a cop out. What exactly does that translate to with rear stands? poorly done welds? Different steel than everyone else uses? The designs are mostly universal, what exactly do you get, in concrete terms, when you pay for a Pitbull stand?
  11. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Rides with no training wheels

    Designs are close but geometry is different. Also the wheels and support h/w is top notch. Further as has been shown here the support from Pitbull is top notch on all products. The finish tends to be better on the coating also.

    Go to the pits and start asking how old the stands are that are Pitbull and then look at the stand. FWIW I have one that is 10 years and still looks great with all the wheels, grips, etc. in great condition. The bike I use it on does not have a kickstand nor has had one for a long time, so lots of use.
  12. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    I had the MJ Moto stands for years without any issues. They are cheap and work well. A simple bike stand is no space science. The Pitbulls sure are nice, but not that nice....lol
  13. ped

    ped n00b

    Cheap stands for 10 years. Sitting on the bikes, bouncing, rolling, etc.

    Would never think twice about it. There's a reason you never see them fail....cause they don't

    pitbull are made in the US and they actually post on forums and support riders all the time.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
  14. sbk1198

    sbk1198 What's an apex?

    Exactly...anyone with a welder and a band saw can make a solid stand. It's not rocket science. I will admit that Pitbull does a good job with the zinc plating (or whatever plating that is). My T-rex ones are just as solid but the plating is not nearly as good. Doesn't really bother me...just need to wash your hands more often :D
  15. vickisboytoy

    vickisboytoy BLP Racing

    I'll gladly pay a few extra bucks to support an American company and try to keep a few things American, especially when that company makes a solid high quality product. You can choose to support China or whomever, that's your right. Unfortunately most of us try to get everything as cheap as we can. And who wins? Usually China. Just food for thought.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2015

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