Novice or Intermediate?

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by SadPanda, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. SadPanda

    SadPanda n00b

    So not sure what group I should sign up for at Gingerman on the 19th. My last track day at ACC I was bumped to Intermediate and was totally ready for it even though it was only my second track day, but this was on my Ninja 300 which I think I am very fast on. I got a ZX6R 2 weeks ago and am not sure what kind of pace I will be running, and not sure what the rules are about dropping down a group after being moved up. I am confident I will be at a quick pace in the afternoon but considering doing a session or two in novice to get more used to the bike on the track.

    Would other riders in Intermediate be annoyed with another rider going at a slightly slow pace but still predictable and riding correct lines?
  2. FZ1guy

    FZ1guy Hey - Watch this...

    You could sign up for novice, do the morning sessions, and get bumped to I after lunch.
    S1000RaideR likes this.
  3. jcrich

    jcrich What's an apex?

    My personal opinion, which is worth approximately 2 cents is stay in I. The coaches obviously saw that you were ready and thus promoted you. As far as the other I riders, it is incumbent on the overtaking rider to make a clean safe pass. Hold your line and stay smooth and that happens pretty easily. I am sure the actual coaches will weigh in on their thoughts.
  4. SadPanda

    SadPanda n00b

    Ya I am leaning towards I right now, will probably be harder to adjust to the power on the slower pace in novice.
  5. gk103

    gk103 Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Congrat's on the bump! stay in Intermediate!, you'll be fine. If you need help just ask a coach. I'd be glad to help you if you want to.(Ram truck/white trailer) see ya at the track!
  6. mfb2168

    mfb2168 STT Staff STT Staff

    Like others said stay in I. You won't be the slowest. I am.
    FreddyJ likes this.
  7. SadPanda

    SadPanda n00b

    Alright thanks for the insight, I'll sign up for intermediate. Has anyone been to Gingerman since the repave last year? really excited to ride on some smooth grippy pavement!
  8. gk103

    gk103 Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    new pavement is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Prufrock

    Prufrock traffic

    Annoyed? These are my favorite kind of people to pass when I'm out on my SV. It's those erratic liter bikes I hate.
    934 TSX likes this.
  10. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    no the other riders wouldnt care if u were predictable and clean at a slower pace, passing riders is half the fun out there am i right
    934 TSX and tankslapper615 like this.
  11. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

    Wait, I thought GETTING passed was the fun part?

    Have I been doing it wrong?!
  12. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    I am proud Liter-Cheater :)
    Prufrock likes this.
  13. 934 TSX

    934 TSX I like bikes

    Cheat all you want! Passing is best done on the brakes!!!
  14. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    apparently i have too cause i remember seein ur gsxr tail end alot back in the day at grattan
  15. Ducati23

    Ducati23 Rides with no training wheels Staff Member

    Stay in Intermediate. If you have issues adjusting to the track and/or the pace, get with one of us or the Intermediate Captain. There should be available instructors and one of us can work with you one on one. This is what we are there for!

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