Barber Nov 13 I Group 2nd Session Crash Video

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by Robert Vlasak, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. Robert Vlasak

    Robert Vlasak Choices are never a bad thing

    I know there was a control rider in front of me when I went down in turn one second session about lap 6ish Any Chance there is rear facing video of it, I have gone through every ounce of memory I have of it and there is no reason at all I can think of that caused me to lowside. Would love to put some reasoning to my failure.
  2. Scarpino

    Scarpino It's Smiles per Gallon......

    Minute 4:00
  3. JustinFRC

    JustinFRC track day backmarker

    I feel your pain man, I low sided in turn 3 later in the day and have no idea why. Neither end of the bike had slid all day long... I was settled into the corner, knee on the ground, holding maintenance throttle, 100% happy and comfortable with everything the bike was doing... and then I lost the back end and low sided.
  4. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    Look at4:00-4:01 and your lean angle compared to the bike in front of you. Looks like you tried to tighten up the turn in preparation of going around the bike (coach?) in front of you...and just took it too far...and from the looks of it, right on top of the seam. Looked like you actually lost the rear so might have been in combination with some gas...but it didn't highside you...IMHO.
    Prufrock likes this.
  5. Prufrock

    Prufrock traffic

    Yep. The seam in the track added to the other traction factors in the chilly morning. I had a bit of rear squirm on the gas when my lines would overlap the seam for more than a moment.
  6. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Curious on what tires you guys were running...
  7. JustinFRC

    JustinFRC track day backmarker

    I was on SC3 Pirelli Superbike slicks. No warmers, but my crash was like 7 minutes into the session. Rear pressure was 25 psi fresh off the crash truck.

    I'll try and get a video up tomorrow.
  8. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    7 minutes means your third or forth lap...depending on just how cold it still was, and how hard you rode the other laps...could still be a factor.

    I crashed in the last turn in march - at nearly the end of the session and I was just cruising around...totally shocked and it was a Q3...
    sbk1198 likes this.
  9. JustinFRC

    JustinFRC track day backmarker

    This was a late afternoon session... According to my mantis gauge my tire surface temps were around 130, and had been over 140 a couple turns prior. This is my first time running Superbike slicks, but SP V2 Supercorsas would start to hot tear when my gauge would spend any amount of time over 150, so I think my tires were up to temp.

    It's hard to tell in the 360P video, but it looks like I may have been tracking right on the sealer seam, and then on top of that I rode through the giant shadow, which probably caused cooler track temps in that little section... Or maybe you guys can catch something I didn't:

  10. gsxrvette

    gsxrvette What's an apex?

    You definitely lost the rear. regardless of the temps of the track. Too much throttle broke the rear loose causing a front end to go.
  11. gsxrvette

    gsxrvette What's an apex?

    You left a black mark going down the hill. probably put too much forceby acceleration and lean angle on the front causing the front to go. I was riding the 2nd advanced session on Saturday morning and their was not very much traction out there. Ran 1:37 laps and I would come back in and the rear was hot and the Michelin evo front was warm but not hot. The temps and track temps were not allowing the tires to heat up to optimum temps.
    tnskydivr likes this.
  12. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    In this video, I'd say you gave it too much gas too soon in the shade. You'll notice the race line moves to the outside here and you were staying to the inside, and you hadn't yet hit the spot where gravity pulls the bike down as you climb the hill to turn 4. You can go thru there with increased speed and less stress on the tire by drifting towards the outside curbing while smoothly accellerating, and letting the suspension settle as it climbs the hill...IMHO.
  13. JustinFRC

    JustinFRC track day backmarker

    but... But.... BUT.... Traction Control!! Why didn't the magical electronic gnomes living in my bike save me???

    There's a little LCD bar above the speed that shows up whenever TCS engages, and you can see it come on right before the afternoon takes a turn for the worse. The rear felt more like it washed out than spun up, but that could be because I've never lost the rear on a bike with TCS before and, for all I know, that's how it always feels.

    As I said in my earlier post, I was comfortable with the pace I was riding and didn't really feel like I was pushing super hard... Do I just need to be more conscious of the shade in the future?
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
  14. gsxrvette

    gsxrvette What's an apex?

    When at full lean, a little wheel spin can upset the chassis just enough to loose the front. Watch your video closely and you will see it. Maybe the shade mattered and maybe it didn't. More a matter spinning the rear at full lean imo
  15. CkempfR1

    CkempfR1 n00b

    Gosh this video seems familar.

    Looks like the front tucked to me.
    Your traction control light probably lit up
    Because when the front started sliding, the ecu saw that there was a big differencw between front wheel speed and the rear wheel speed.

    Just my .02
  16. gsxrvette

    gsxrvette What's an apex?

    Usually when a bike strictly looses the front it will run straight down the track. Notice on the video of the bike, how the rear spins all of the way around and passes the front up going down the track. That is a good sign that the rear broke loose first causing the front the let go.....the second video of the bike in turn 2
    CkempfR1 and sheepofblue like this.
  17. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Rides with no training wheels

    There is a small grade change in 3. I would never know it was even there but for the chance to walk the track when we had the tornado storm a few years back. It is a common place to see crashes in races as people are right on the edge of grip and a couple of degrees matters. Also you will see crashes there in 'A' yet almost never in 'N' from what I have seen over the years.

    If where your crashe was before you go back to the inside curbing in 3 (kind of entry to 3) that and cold is likely what bit you is my guess.
    JustinFRC likes this.
  18. JustinFRC

    JustinFRC track day backmarker

    In my crash I didn't lose the front until the bike was on the ground. It's hard to tell because the camera is so close to the triple clamp, but I had the bars at full opposite lock steering into the slide... There was even a VERY optimistic part of my brain thinking "I might still save this" right up until my hip hit the ground.

    I'm 100% positive my crash was because I put my rear tire into a situation that required more grip than was available... What I don't know is why there was so much less grip available than what I thought there would be. FWIW, I remember the tire squealing when the back stepped out, which I thought was weird.
  19. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Rides with no training wheels

    Hard to step youtube but at 4:03 you can see the back has already come around. It regular video you could step it a frame at a time for a real clear view IMO
  20. jcrich

    jcrich What's an apex?

    From the Led Zeppelin song

    "crying won't help you, traction control won't do you no good" :D

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