ACC 9/1-9/3 Roll Call! Who's In???

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by stkr, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. stkr

    stkr Slower Traffic Keep Right

    It's going to be a fun three days at the track. North, then South, then the FULL course. I'm in for all three days. WooHooo!!!

    I'm especially excited since this will be my first weekend back at the track since my crash last September. Hopefully, I won't be a road block to the Advanced group. Maybe I can get some old friends to cover my back and tow me around a bit? Hmmm???

    I can't wait to get back out there. :cool:

    So, who all is coming out?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. X

    X STT Staff STT Staff

    Looks like the wife and I will be there.

    I might even be healed by that time, now like that would stop me.

  3. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    trying to decide between this & Grattan.. its tough
  4. mark_1

    mark_1 n00b

    In and Jeff Full track monday!!!!
  5. BigCountry1125

    BigCountry1125 "Lovings"

    I'll be there for full on Monday!
  6. Heineken

    Heineken Rides with no training wheels

    In for Full Course action!
  7. Bradknapp

    Bradknapp n00b

    The boys and I will be there Sat & Sun and I'll be riding my new (to me) bike. Boom!
  8. Gunshow Nick

    Gunshow Nick Northern Director

    Always sells out too..
  9. fplcman

    fplcman n00b

    I am in for sun and monday.
  10. stkr

    stkr Slower Traffic Keep Right

    Come on Jeff! I need someone to tow me around :cheers:
  11. Mph


    I'll be there Monday for the full course, and it will also be my first track day!
  12. adr3naline fix

    adr3naline fix Super Serious.

    In for Monday 9/3

    Orange zx10r CCS #72
  13. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    All 3 days for me.
  14. JTRC51

    JTRC51 The fast Juan

    In for FC Monday.
  15. stkr

    stkr Slower Traffic Keep Right

    Welcome to the addiction. :cool:

    If you need anything, or some help, don't be afraid to ask.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Mph


    Thanks a lot!! Im sure I'll need help with my suspension setup, I'm hoping I don't need new tires. I have an 08 daytona 675 with the same tires it came with. They have 3500 miles on them but never abused.
  17. JimPaine1

    JimPaine1 Rides with no training wheels

    In for Sunday and Monday.
  18. RocketmanBill

    RocketmanBill Rides with no training wheels

    You need to get your bike over to Racer Cafe in St. Charles and have them look at your tires. They are the Tire Service for STT. Your tires might not be abused, but they are probably slippery as heck. Anyway, it does hurt to have them looked at BEFORE your trackday. Track Days are for enjoyment, not rushing around trying to get new stuff for your bike and trushing to get on the track. Especially for your first trackday.

    My .02

    Lots of track guys in your area, if you want some help.

    Bill K

    Oh yeah.... In for Sunday South Course!
  19. I'm in for Monday. Basically my first track day. I attended the Johnny moto Monday at gingerman last Monday but since it rained most of the day I only got the morning few sessions in. Can't wait to get more track time in. Wish I had more time to get more track days in. Looks like my wife may need a second job to support my new addition.
  20. blackflag blake

    blackflag blake Rides with no training wheels

    My brother and i are in.

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