Post ACC thread, videos etc.

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by steve p, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    sWoopie Goldberg, Marty McSwoopster, The Dark Swoopster, The Curious case of Swoopie Button :lmao:
  2. cyclepath

    cyclepath Rides with no training wheels

    Its easy for old "Point and Shoot" to bust on the swoopies. His old lady has a 600 he could ride, id like to see how swoopie he has to be to keep corner speed....
  3. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    true not everyone has a 190hp superbike like Steve P.. friggin cheater liter's :cry:
  4. Erik L.

    Erik L. Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Steve if your offering I could use some help too.
  5. ekraft84

    ekraft84 What's an apex?

    Steve's a 1000cc cheater and does swoopies secretely in his sleep on his wife's 600.
  6. Spook155

    Spook155 n00b

    My first time out on the track was with STT last weekend, and it felt like they couldn't have done more to help me feel comfortable out there. My coaches, Little and Jeremy, were awesome.

    Was it the staff or the riders that rubbed you wrong?

    Either way, sorry your weekend wasn't as enjoyable as it should have been.
  7. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    Don't make me bust out the Mille Boyd. Won't look so good getting it handed to you on a 14 year old design. :nod:

    Taylor, I was refering mainly to T8. All you goofballs are giving up a lot of time by swooping waaaaay out to pit in just to get back over to the right. I confirmed when the AMA pro's were there. Could spend an hour talking about that one corner. Have GPS info to back up and validate for all you non believers/swoopers.

    No problem

    Kraft, wish you could have been here this weekend, I really think you would have liked and benefited from it.
  8. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    i don't even know why i do it, i guess i just think i'm gonna lauch myself to the grass if i don't, i'll work on that labor day ;)
  9. ekraft84

    ekraft84 What's an apex?

    I was planning on it believe it or not. Gina was all-in and we were going to be there both days, but Dad wanted to stay close to home for Father's Day and ride dirt bikes.
  10. Here are a couple of my laps from Novice (I think right after lunch):

    I had Ken from SB Italia take a look at my suspension setup and he revamped that, plus some more instruction from Owen (Group #3 leader) and I was way quicker the last couple sessions of the day. Really should have kept the gopro on for those...

    I know there are probably a bunch of things to correct. Any tips are welcome.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2013
  11. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

    anyone have their youtube video stuck on "processing" after it finished uploading?
  12. Kot

    Kot Rides with no training wheels

    Youtube is slow with processing. It takes forever. Even after it says it's done, often show without changes for some time. Be patient, unless something went really wrong.
  13. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

    Yeah that's what I'm reading. I'm gonna try converting to mp4 and then upload and see.
    ^ this helped lol

    From Saturday Novice Session 2 (single gear drill)
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2013
  14. beac83

    beac83 Rides with no training wheels

    Sorry you didn't enjoy the weekend. I think I was pitted across from the two of you on the blue gixxer #283. I think you were riding in I, and packed up early on Sunday. I came over and asked if everything was OK when you were taking off your wheels.

    Just curious, were the issues on-track or off?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2013
  15. casper3043

    casper3043 Rides with no training wheels

    beac, you were pitted across from me...and that wasn't my g/f with me it was my brother. and i was taking the wheels off to get new tires put on but tire service decided to close shop before 4pm. other than the arm pumping walk from the back of ACC to the tire/wheel area with a set of wheels and extra tires, all was good! last time i bother with that crap.
  16. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

  17. This was my first trackday with STT and it was really fun. I was lucky enough to pit with some cool folks who let me use their chairs and shade. Here's a video from my 5th session in novice, my third track overall. I have stock exhaust so you can't really hear it over the wind noise, but I did my best to remove asmuch wind noise as possible and then threw some audio tracks behind it.
  18. BigCountry1125

    BigCountry1125 "Lovings"

  19. beac83

    beac83 Rides with no training wheels

    Yeah, I could tell you both were guys. :thumb:

    Usually the tire guy packs up around 2PM on Sundays. I think that was mentioned in the Riders' meeting, but with the background noise during the meeting, it was difficult to hear.
  20. Black Mamba

    Black Mamba Go Slow in Slow Corners and Fast in Fast Corners! STT Staff Director

    You did very well, I was happy with your passes, body position, pace and lines overall. Just continue to work on what I told you on your next track day(s) :thumb:

    Good job man! Thanks for coming out and nice to meet ya!

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