+++ Holiday Specials on the Sportbike Track Time Site +++

Discussion in 'STT News, Announcements' started by mastermindtrev, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director


  2. flamingemu

    flamingemu Rides with no training wheels

    Yeah, that's what I wasn't sure of. Thanks.
  3. I was wondering this same thing.
  4. screws4068

    screws4068 Rides with no training wheels

    Bought new memberships for both me and my wife, Also bought a loyalty card!! Thanks T and Richard for a great deal!!!
  5. Astrin

    Astrin Slug

    Boom. ;)
  6. Astrin

    Astrin Slug

    I'm kinda curious about the STT tax liability. As a small business owner, I'd rather receive income that isn't offset by expenses in January (and even invoice it in Jan since we file on accrual basis, God knows why). Shedding inventory before Jan 1 is hugely important for retail outfits, but that's not STT. Are you guys just being nice? Or do you have bills you can pay before Jan (cash basis filing)?
  7. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Well, we try to be as nice as we can.... and it's good to try to pass on savings to our customers.

    Oh.... a lot of bills. Tracks don't take a "we promise we'll be there" as a deposit, if you know what I mean.

    Imagine running a company where you have a huge outlay of cash for track deposits and rentals..... and then you hope like hell customers show up throughout the year and and you can recoup your investment.

  8. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    I suspect to get on the schedule, they have to make a deposit.....
  9. mrmark75

    mrmark75 Rides with no training wheels

    Did this ever get answered? Can I buy a friend's track day with my card?
  10. DrtDrftR

    DrtDrftR Rides with no training wheels

    Oh, thank you!
    With Christmas right around the corner, you really are a good friend. A track day is just what I wanted.:D
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2014
  11. rdecae

    rdecae Rides with no training wheels

    As noted above, I have the same question. I buy a 2K loyalty card. Barber weekend I buy TWO novice spots one for myself and one for friend Y. Can I buy both using MY loyalty card?
  12. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    My apologies for the late response on this.

    The loyalty cards are designed to be used by one person. However, if a husband wife, or a couple friends would want to share one, we have been allowing it. Anything beyond that, and we won't allow it. So no, 5 people can't share a $5k loyalty card.

    Again, technically, by the book.... a loyalty card is meant to be used only by it's owner.

    As for buying spots for a friend... again, we don't really allow that. We do have gift certificates that can be purchased for friends, etc. But when you're buying a spot, you have to do it under your own name so that the registration stays correct.

  13. mrmark75

    mrmark75 Rides with no training wheels


    I don't want to beat a dead horse or be a pain in the ass but I'm still confused on your answer. You say

    "The loyalty cards are designed to be used by one person. However, if a husband wife, or a couple friends would want to share one, we have been allowing it. Anything beyond that, and we won't allow it. So no, 5 people can't share a $5k loyalty card."

    As for buying spots for a friend... again, we don't really allow that. We do have gift certificates that can be purchased for friends, etc. But when you're buying a spot, you have to do it under your own name so that the registration stays correct."

    Without getting technical not sure how your system works with these cards. Is it a credit to your online account or is it like a debit card with credit card numbers or a coupon code? I do want to share a card with a friend so based on your info above if I wanted to share one with a friend, you are allowing that, but I can't buy his spot? Could I just buy him a gift card with my loyally card $? Sorry for all the questions I know a loyalty card shouldn't be this difficult. Lol
  14. DirtNap

    DirtNap Used but not used up

    You just shush and give them all your $$$$ :pound:
  15. Sopiarz3

    Sopiarz3 Rides with no training wheels

    Do the Sportbike Tire Service gift certificates expire and can you use them at the racetrack?
  16. mrmark75

    mrmark75 Rides with no training wheels

    Ed, now you just lost your chance to get a track day from me. Guess it goes to LaCante or Sabattka. :)
  17. april

    april Rides with no training wheels

    When we buy a Loyalty card, do we get an actual card in the mail? Or credit in our account? Or just a card number to use at checkout? Or what?
  18. newleaf

    newleaf What's an apex?

    I got an email w/a gc code that you put in when you make purchases from the STT site.
  19. april

    april Rides with no training wheels

    Hm! I never got that email!
    I just got emailed my receipt. Guess I had better look for it.
  20. newleaf

    newleaf What's an apex?

    I think they email the men first.
    May and June are having the same problem.

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