I'm the new guurrrlll

Discussion in 'Sportbike Track Girl' started by GypsyLuGsxr6, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. Hey everybody! I'm the new gurl here. My name is Kristi. I just recently bought my track bike (02 gsxr600) and I am so excited to get out there and ride! Can't wait to meet everyone! :D
  2. newleaf

    newleaf What's an apex?

    new girl

    my wife rides all the time w/STT.
    you will love it.

    I see more and more women every track day.
  3. Supergirl

    Supergirl ugly STT Staff Director

    Welcome, Kristi!!
  4. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

  5. Thank you guys!

    Thanks for all the welcomes! I hope to do my first track day at Barber end of October.
  6. pop1

    pop1 Rides with no training wheels

    Welcome Kristi. Your not to awful far down the road from here.
  7. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Re: Thank you guys!

    I should be there. Our novice program is the best..
  8. Shortyy

    Shortyy Rides with no training wheels

    Welcome Kristi!
  9. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

  10. Gunshow Nick

    Gunshow Nick Northern Director

    welcome to sportbike track time. you will find its more about the paddock then the racetrack. Have fun!
  11. mamasaun

    mamasaun n00b

    Re: Thank you guys!

    ...As long as you don't have Jimbo as your instructor. Just kidding! STT is the best!! You will learn so much and any of the staff members are always more than willing and eager to help or give you pointers if you want.

    Welcome to the addiction!!!!! Ride safe and have fun!!! :D
  12. Thank you! I am very convinced how much fun I will definitely have at Barber, or any track day event! Can't wait to meet all of yall! :p
  13. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Welcome Kristi! Most likely my wife Peggy and I will be at the Barber event at the end of the month. We both Instruct in the Novice group, so maybe you and she can hook up.
  14. newleaf

    newleaf What's an apex?

    new gurrrl

    don't forget your costume.
  15. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    Hi Kristi, nice to have met you (Sat 10/8 at the dealer). Like I said, great organization and great bunch of people. Fair warning: Track days are ADDICTIVE!

    STT STaff: Kristi would reallllly like to get into Novice in October for her first trackday...can any of you STT Staff help her out? BamBam, got any 'spare' slots out there for a new female rider?
  16. hello, have you been to barber yet ? what other tracks do u ride ? thx doug , see u @ the track : )
  17. Kirk

    Kirk Rides with no training wheels

    Welcome to the addiction

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