Jennings GP in December

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by sammPD4075, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. gsxrvette

    gsxrvette What's an apex?

    I am not sure what group I will be assigned to coach but in the afternoon I will be free to ride any session. I have an all black BMW and a white and blue BMW. I would be happy film you and review that with you. Catch me Friday night or Saturday morning in the Tech line and we will make a plan for what you are wanting to work on.
  2. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Ok, sounds good... I need to get the bike sorted some and then we will film a session (review) and work on fixing BP... I will find you at TECH.
  3. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Unfortunately, with our current insurance policy limitations, staff are not allowed to video customers in an instructional manner - so this cannot happen.

    Sorry. We are working on this.

  4. gsxrvette

    gsxrvette What's an apex?

    I will be happy to follow you and provide you with instruction. Reviewing and Coaching via Video is not allowed by insurance.
    TLR67 likes this.
  5. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Ok, works for me!
    TLR67 likes this.
  6. ads109

    ads109 What's an apex?

    I just signed up for both days, coming down from Chicago. I've never been to Jennings before, so I'm very excited to go!

    Jennings website says 102db limit. I have ordered a db killer just to be safe.
    lostinbama likes this.
  7. hurricanejohn

    hurricanejohn Professional Idiot

    dB limits have to be followed due to the political climate at Jennings (and NCM). If you fail to stay within the limits it potentially hurts ALL of us. There might come a day when the track management has to shut the track down because of legal costs and issues from riders not complying with track regulations. We don't need another good track shutting motorcycle events down. Bring a dB killer if you can or modify your bike to stay within limits. Rolling off to keep your bike under the radar isn't the way to go.

  8. Steve Hunt

    Steve Hunt Rides with no training wheels

    +1 on that...reverse direction (clockwise) is awesome. I live 2 hours from Jennings so i can go anytime and rarely do both Sat and Sun but if STT did clockwise one day and counterclockwise the other i would be there for the the whole weekend. They typically only do clockwise 3-4 times a year, its a real treat.
  9. Steve Hunt

    Steve Hunt Rides with no training wheels

    Jennings is my home track, I have been going there since day 1. Whatever dba they post on the site is what it is but i can say having been there a 100 times that normal aftermarket exhaust is not typically the problem. It's the GP stubby cans, gutted cans and megaphone type stuff that you know is stupid loud before you arrive that is the problem. Don't be that guy.
    steve p and steve802cc like this.
  10. ads109

    ads109 What's an apex?

    I'm not that guy. I have a Yoshimura full system, not gutted, shortened, etc. I do have some air intake howl since I took the lid off my air box.

    I used some crappy db meter app with my iPad and got 96db 10 feet away without the db killer. With the db killer I got 95db. I assume my bike won't be a problem.
  11. Prufrock

    Prufrock traffic

    My SV had some whacky, custom looking can from the previous owner on there last time and I didn't hear anything about it. I'm sure you'll be fine if you have an actual exhaust.
  12. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    My 1000RR is stupid loud and it had no problems at the track....Last year I had a GP Growler mini Exhaust and it was loud and it still passed the test...
    ads109 likes this.
  13. Steve Hunt

    Steve Hunt Rides with no training wheels

    So what do you say Trevor, what about running the Jennings weekend clockwise one day and counterclockwise the other day??
  14. Frozty

    Frozty n00b

    Are there any regulations as to having a drone fly around and do some filming?
    68gts likes this.
  15. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

    I would like this as well. It's a 13 hour drive for me so getting two tracks in one weekend is awesome! It's also good for evening out tire wear. :D
  16. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    Unless it's changed there was/is a NO drone rule.
  17. Steve Hunt

    Steve Hunt Rides with no training wheels

    With any luck the weather will stay steady and it will be a weekend like today in N FL. 72 and sunny today in Jax.
  18. Vixen

    Vixen A Work in Progress !!

    Boy, I'm getting antsy ... can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

    gkotlin likes this.
  20. Frozty

    Frozty n00b

    Thanks! I couldn't find it anywhere listed that it says that tho. Maybe I missed it somewhere.

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