Track maps can be more informative

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by Buffalo_Bill, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. Buffalo_Bill

    Buffalo_Bill Rides with no training wheels

    I was looking at the track maps, and there's nothing there but a shape. No dimensions, no direction arrows, no indication of pit areas, camping areas, access and entrance roads.
    These can be filled with lots of info notes, and re-scanned. That would be a big help understanding the track and pit areas.
    Thanks. BiL
  2. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    North or South? Most track websites have this under their Maps sections.... Especially Road America ect....
  3. Dave608

    Dave608 Let's Ride! STT Staff

    Those weren't intended to provide that type of information, they were just put up so you would have the layout of the track to take your own notes on like your brake markers, reference points, etc. Like Marc said most of the tracks have the other information on their websites but don't have plain maps available for that type of information.
    EvIL TwIn and TLR67 like this.
  4. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Also Bill what tracks were you concerned about... Many here will add tips for all across the East and Mid West...
  5. Buffalo_Bill

    Buffalo_Bill Rides with no training wheels

    I'm just bench racing through the winter, so I was researching the schedule and tracks, and was disappointed with the info I could find. Some tracks have not much info on their sites either.
    You long term members have been to many of these tracks, many times so you take your experience for granted as common knowledge.
    Thanks for chatting.
  6. TheRabbit

    TheRabbit STT Staff STT Staff

    I don't think anyone is taking anything for granted... track maps on those sites are just to show layout. like said before most have a small arrow pointing in direction of travel.. but a lot of tracks are ridden both CW and CCW so to put a direction would be misleading. As far as notes for bench racing like brake markers or apex locations and the likes.. your unlikely to find it as everyone is different. Cars brake and apex different than a bike does.. a liter bike gets on the gas different than a 600 or even a small twin. these things are preferences. so they have those maps available so that you can take your own notes... I don't think many of us need to know the exact width or length of a specific section of track. the over all length EG 1.8 mile or 2.4 mile is generally a good start.. but you have to ride it to get a good feel anyways. I find watching videos way more helpful when learning the layout of a track as it shows elevation, gradient and more... after I've been on the track then I make notes on a map

    as far as pit areas and track demarcations showing you were to pit we generally tell you on the site or here on the track facts that Trevor or Owen post up. if there is a specific guide to follow. majority of tracks have 1 entrance and 1 area to pit in so once you get there its pretty obvious. I do admit whenever I travel to a new track I get nervous or lets say anxious as far as the little details such as where to park and set up but once I get there. it becomes clear and plenty of people to help.

    hope this helps
    TLR67 likes this.
  7. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Ok so what you are asking for specifically is an improvement to the Maps section of the website correct? That would be a pretty big job for your requests but it is great advice and it will be taken in consideration..I would take Jason's advice above... Also put on some headphones and don't watch vids with music.. Make sure you can hear the bike.. Also just 1 bad thing about camping at our events and tracks.... You can't do it at Putnam.. They don't allow camping which stinks.. All other tracks do and it's Definietly the place to be instead of the DNA roach motels...
    R/T Performance likes this.
  8. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    also again if there is a track you need specifics on just ask...
  9. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    I think STT has done a great job compiling maps of the tracks we ride - there is a TON of work involved in doing what they've done. The immediate need met was to provide riders (and coaches) a correct outline of the track with turn numbers for teaching purposes; the details would have taken much more effort an only clouded the map's original purpose. Frankly, I like them clean like they are - once you've been to a track once you usually know the pit/camping/toilet/food/etc info - but will find that, as your skills improve, that brake markers, lines, tip in points will change...

    As far as a track goes, those ancillary items change (look at all the work going on at Barber this winter) - but RARELY does the track layout change (Road Atlanta)...
    EvIL TwIn likes this.
  10. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Hello Bill.
    The only way to get a answer is ask, so far you haven't asked about given tracks.
    There are many in the midwest, east coast, down south.
    WHAT tracks are you considering running.

    Reason being, having those names one could search for reviews others have already done on the track.
    That being said, it will be just reference since a review from a car or liter bike rider will tell you some about the track but specific braking markers.
    Even with the same bike, an advance, intermediate and novice rider on the same bike will have different braking markers.

    YouTube is a great resource. You can SEE the track there entry points etc.
  11. gkotlin

    gkotlin What's an apex? STT Staff

    I remember when there were no Youtube videos online. There were no track maps available. There was no google earth. What we have is a HUGE improvement! Though when I was new, I did want some of the same things. A simple track map that shows the basic shape of the track. Where is the medical staff located? Where is the event staff located? How do we get in touch with security or medical services after hours? Where is the food! Can't believe I almost forgot that! My dream is they would be available when you get your wrist band. It does seem second nature to us that have been at it for many years. But when you go to new tracks, or you're the new guy. And shy. And don't want to ruffle feathers or bother others. Everything is strange and curious. I'll have to see if I have time to work on this I guess.

    Little bonus extras? Where are the oil dumps? Is there fuel available at the track? Are any place limited to track members (like at Autobahn) or STT staff members for pitting.
    TLR67 likes this.
  12. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Great points above... Next week I will assist it gathering as much info as possible to either start a sticky thread or provide to web control... I can assist with Southern region, NCM and a little Road America... Just remember no camping at Putnam... I know that will never change
  13. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Glad to glean anything you want for Putnam. And as far as camping goes, as long as there's space in my yard everyone is welcome.
    I'm 25 miles from the track. Clermont, In.

    Will add if the yard fills up, I know the President of the Lyon's club they have nice camping grounds a mile from me.
  14. TheRabbit

    TheRabbit STT Staff STT Staff

    I know Putnam pretty well too.. if needing anything else... notes to camping 5-7 miles from the track for 15 bucks as well
  15. Justin.Chmielewski

    Justin.Chmielewski Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Where is that Grattan Map that has been floating around for a while?? That has brake markers on it :)
    R/T Performance likes this.
  16. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    Here you go Justin.

    indy, Brian C., TLR67 and 1 other person like this.
  17. R6 Forever

    R6 Forever Need more Grattan

    This is all you need! :)
  18. design-engine

    design-engine What's an apex?

    My Blog posts of each event has these track maps and more in a PDF format. At designengine we teach all these classes so since I work here I get to take these classes free ;) I'm just practicing on these maps. I use Google earth if necessary and screen shot at a low resolution then lock that layer in illustrator then trace over that map with line art. Then I look at video or walk the track to log all the blemishes then add that to my map. These sort of visualization tools help me win five championships this year.

    The guy who got the #1 plate this year simply raced more. Just to show him who's boss I started third row in the 1000 class on my 600 and beat him who got second place by 26 seconds at Gingerman. I brake way late haha.

    Jason a few post above said it perfectly. These notes I've added are for me in Middleweight not a Liter bike.



    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
    gkotlin likes this.
  19. EvIL TwIn

    EvIL TwIn Entertainment Guru

    I clicked on your link but don't see a link for maps? What am I doing wrong?
  20. EvIL TwIn

    EvIL TwIn Entertainment Guru

    BEST track map ever! lol

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