BHF Sept.9-10

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by JOHN LACONTE, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. :D Mejor que nada mi amigo!!
  2. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Bootleg me a CD! :twisted:
  3. Gron4

    Gron4 n00b

    Photos all around! :D
  4. truckstop

    truckstop Rides with no training wheels

    Heh, is it Gutteral Secrete again? Polterchrist? ... and what's a death metal band doing out in daylight... on a Sunday?

    I'm going to miss the sound of double kick drums making it feel like there's a freight train running through the building. :wink:

  5. StreetDoc

    StreetDoc n00b

    hopefully it doesn't rain on sunday. If it doesn't I'm in.
  6. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Forest of Impaled if you must know.....

    I've learned it's best to not ask too many questions... they come in, I master the music, they pay me, and then I have money for trackdays. :D

  7. Barry C

    Barry C n00b

    Supposed to rain both days. Hope not. :(
  8. :D Nah,just a possibilty of scattered,mostly to the north toward's Wisconsin.
  9. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    That's the kind of positive thinking we like to see around here.... bravo!

  10. Mark.Nemetz

    Mark.Nemetz Super Moderator

    Cool - I want to purchase your book !

    Bring extras !


    #19 - yellow F4
  11. Barry C

    Barry C n00b

    I'm through reading my copy, I'll rent it to you, I'm sure K3 won't mind. :lol:
  12. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Don't deny K3 a book sale !!!!! He deserves it !!!!!

  13. Barry C

    Barry C n00b

    Just kidding of course. :lol:

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