Blackhawk Farms Raceway

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by emusic2010, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. emusic2010

    emusic2010 ESR - EricSwahnRacing

    Middleweight Solo 20 Race at Blackhawk Farms Raceway on 06/09/12.

    Part 1 -
    Part 2 -

    My Official Results -

    If you look in the description, I've outlined my times and my place for each lap. Since I'm currently racing in Novice (this year being my first) I am racing the guys with yellow backed numbers. White backed numbers are expert racers and we are scored separately.

    Although I finished 6th place and I was disappointed, it was my first Solo 20 so in the end I was happy just to finish.
  2. design-engine

    design-engine What's an apex?

    good job on the BFR results. I like the longer races and wish there were less races in a day and that they were all over 20 laps.
  3. emusic2010

    emusic2010 ESR - EricSwahnRacing

    Thank you! Since this race was red flagged at half way I still haven't done a full length race. For the next round, I'm doing 6, 8 lap sprint races. in one day. Thats a lot, but I'll just think of it as a track day with a standing start. I just hope they don't switch up the schedule so I don't have to do back to back races again. That wasn't very fun.
  4. design-engine

    design-engine What's an apex?

    I did as many as three 6 or 8 lap races in a row at the Wera Robeling Road event in June. I bought a heart monitor and wanted to use it to track my heart rate. I don't think it gets much over 80 BPM but haven't tested it out on the track yet. Its all the running and yoga I do to keep up with all those 20 year old racers ;)
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2012
  5. Rick412

    Rick412 STT Staff STT Staff

    I'm sure they will combine some races, always do.
  6. emusic2010

    emusic2010 ESR - EricSwahnRacing

    I ended up doing 5, 8 lap races on 6/10 at BFR. Two of them were back to back races. Between The races, I downed almost a full bottle of water, sat down on the cooler for 3 minutes and got right back on the bike.

    Lol I'm 20 and I'm doing the same stuff. Up until I crashed and injured myself I was doing: Yoga 2-3 times a week, Racquetball 2-3 days a week, weight training, and cycling 20-26 miles in one hour twice a week. Since I was injured on 5/4/12 at Grattan, I wasn't really able to exercise at all until the next round at BFR. Over a month of sitting on my ass made it rough to ride my hardest.

    I played hockey in High School and racing doesn't even come close to how physical riding is. People just don't understand. It irritates me how many people knock racing as a sport. Anybody else experience this?

    Link to back to back races thread:
  7. Begather

    Begather n00b

    Which heart monitor is good for tracking? I have never used it. Does it really helps? I could not understand the usability of that.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2016

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