Check your tire pressure guage for accuracy

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by bigshow, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. bigshow

    bigshow Rides with no training wheels

    Hey all -

    Just wanted to post up a quick suggestion to take 5 minutes and check your pressure gauge for accuracy. I had a high-quality water-filled tire gauge that i had been using for 3-4 years, that I assumed was accurate. After cold tire tearing a relatively new Pirelli SC2 I went to check it against someone else's gauge and I was 3-4 lbs off. Never even dawned on me to check for accuracy had I not seen a post somewhere else suggesting that may be a problem. Anyhow, just passing along some knowledge. Pressures being out of whack can be waayyy more expensive than a ripped up tire.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
    Dave608 likes this.
  2. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    And the bottom line is, you still don't know how accurate/inaccurate it is if you are basing it off of someone else's readings. Find a place to get it tested with calibrated equipment that is known to be accurate within +/- one half of one percent and have them run it through the range of the gauge from say 10 psi all the way up to say 50 or 60 psi. This also gives you an idea of how linear the gauge is as far as how much it's off.
    dkornfeind and svpauly like this.

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