gingerman 8/11-8/12

Discussion in 'RIDE SHARE TO STT EVENTS' started by themexican, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. themexican

    themexican n00b

    anyone want to split a garage for saturday and sunday?

  2. S3aturnR

    S3aturnR Rides with no training wheels

    have you seen the "garages" there? unless they made some renovations since last year, they're more like a "car-port" and there's only 2 of them. in the past, we just paddocked next to them so we could hide underneath if it rains. no power in them, either. i think there are powered spots on the south end of paddock for campers and such, tho.

    can't wait to get back to gingerman again...

  3. themexican

    themexican n00b

    I haven't been to gman in about 5 years and have not seen the "garages".
    According to their website they have:
    Car Port: Contact us for rates
    Enclosed Garage Slot per weekend $50.00

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