Indy to ACC

Discussion in 'RIDE SHARE TO STT EVENTS' started by nickboogie, May 8, 2013.

  1. nickboogie

    nickboogie n00b

    I'm going to ACC Memerial Day weekend if any would like to ride along. I plan on leaving early Friday afternoon. Would like to be @ ACC early enough to drop off the trailer at the track overnight. If interested you can reply here or send me an email or just call.

    Thanks for looking,

    Nick T
  2. I'm considering making the trip but haven't commited yet. Still gotta convince the boss I need to go.

  3. Planning to do all 3 days and come home monday night?
  4. fplcman

    fplcman n00b

    Yes he is...
  5. nickboogie

    nickboogie n00b

    Yeah, I'll be there all three days.
  6. nickboogie

    nickboogie n00b

    Sorry, it took so long to reply. I don't always have access to a computer. @ Matt, I may beable to go to Grattan in a couple of weeks. It is one of my favorite tracks.
    Call me if you decide to go.

  7. Since I missed out on ACC next weekend, I was planning either Grattan or ACC the week after. Didn't really know which I wanted but game for either.

  8. Hey Nick,
    Are you going to Grattan next weekend? I'm paid up and ready to go. Rideshare?

  9. nickboogie

    nickboogie n00b

    My next track day won't be until July 6 & 7 at grattan. If you want to ride share then, just lmk.


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