looking for a temporary place to stay, in SE PA

Discussion in 'STT Eastern' started by gigantic, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    Sep 22, 2005
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    I don't know if you guys have followed the soap opera* that's happened after my crash last month at Grattan, but to add further insult, I found out yesterday that I no longer have a job to come back to, when my collarbone is healed. :x

    thanks to the magic of the internet and the beauty of online bike forums, I've been offered a job in the Allentown PA area. thing is, I don't know the area well and don't have any contacts there. does anyone have any suggestions for finding a temporary place to stay? I'm basically moving there with just enough $ to get there. any suggestions from the STT family will be greatly appreciated!



    *Recap: I crash, get hurt: concussion, broken ribs & collarbone, wife tells me she wants a divorce while I'm layinging in a hospital bed, I have to wait 3 weeks for surgery. no work since 19 may, no pay since the week before.

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