Mid-Ohio Timer Issue

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by shermand, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. shermand

    shermand n00b


    My brother and I rode Mid-Ohio on June 6th. What a great track without the concrete patches! However, the last two times we have been to the track our XT timers have not functioned properly. We are getting times that vary by about 10 to 20 or so seconds a lap. I don't think I was running 1:28 with Duhammel! One lap looks right then the next looks wildly fast. Has anyone else been getting junk times? It is frustrating to try to work on improving our lapping and not have any confidence in the reported times. Perhaps there is some signal source off track in the area of Thunder Valley? Moving the beacon to the inside of the track might help. Any other ideas?
  2. Rob

    Rob n00b

    I have had a similar problem . Good way to embarrass myself . :oops: I dont have an answer .

    As long as your talking Lap Timers

    Hey if you dont have the stamina to ride all day ....


    some of us dont get out there till late in the day

    I cant remember how many times the thing would dissapear around 2-3 oclock My comments are dirrected at at everybody ,not any single person . With a big dorky smile too .
  3. Rob

    Rob n00b

  4. DJ Baker

    DJ Baker Rides with no training wheels

    If it's consistently inconsistent, check the settings for Min/Max lap times & split times. If those seem OK, & it's inconsistently inconsistent, maybe reconsider the location of your receiver. Sometimes they are at a slightly bad angle, or in a position where they can get blocked by you hand or something. Be sure you have a decent battery in it too. They start acting strange when the battery gets low. Last but not least, I think cameras set them off sometimes, but that shouldn't happen every other lap.
  5. shermand

    shermand n00b


    Thanks for your ideas. My brother and I both put new batteries in our timers at Mid-Ohio. My max time was set at 2:20 and min at 1:40, which should work for my times. I lap at 1:52 to 1:55 but I would get times randomly as low as 1:43, 1:35 or even 1:28. My timer is positioned at the rear of the bike and is very level and open. We are scheduled back at Mid-O on July 3rd so perhaps we will ask for a beacon to be placed on the inside of the track. I had not thought about the potential for a camera auto focus to activate the timer. That may be the source of the infrared signal. Since the erroneous times are not consistent, a moving source would make sense. I certainly don't look at the timer when I am on the track so I am guessing where on the track the timer got re-started. I believe the photographer is both on the outside and inside of the track at times, so it would be hard to avoid the signal. This has happened the last two trips to Mid-Ohio (last September and now in June.)

  6. I'm not keeping my times yet. I think it would be measured my a sundial or moon phases......... :lol: . Well, maybe not quite that bad, but you get the point. Anyway, it's good to know some trouble shooting things to look for now(For whenever I get one)
  7. carbon916

    carbon916 n00b

    You guys are right .... it has been hit or miss the 4 times I've gone this year to Mid-Ohio .... hopefully they have this figured out for the 3rd and 4th :)

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